Note: unless you’re deliberately obscuring someone’s gender and know their preferred pronouns, use their preferred pronouns.
Note: unless you’re deliberately obscuring someone’s gender and know their preferred pronouns, use their preferred pronouns.
Is this a transguy meme, since it’s concealing the he/him pronouns with a silencer (they/them)? Based.
I’m pretty sure the metaphor is that the figure is going to misgender a she/her as they/them, to have plausible deniability, when they really intended to misgender as he/him.
I don’t think this is a very well crafted one, it doesn’t read clearly as evidenced by the paragraph of supporting details posted alongside.
Yep. Those people who insist the singular they isn’t acceptable English whip that shit out when they see a brick in a dress
Yeah this isn’t a well crafted meme at all. The point should be way more clear but just isn’t.
I think it’s cool how we’re out here complaining about the sub-par memecraft.