He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java

  • 56 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Conservatism was always like that.

    They see the average voter like a child, which is too dumb to understand the world, and as such needs to be lied to about things.Their main goal, since the fall of kings, is to conserve power. It’s just so conveniently also coincides with a lot of tradition, which they often cover behind.

    I am a former conservative, and one of theirs tried to hold me back with their version of the “birds and the bees” talk, even promising me “private freedom” (doing either the harmless stuff they’re against, or the really fucked up ones, as long as no one finds out) and wealth if I manage to reach the “inner echelons” of their operations.

  • In 1, if there was a workplace, it’s likely way farther away from 2, with more limited choices.

    Want to do office job as a disabled person in 1? Bad luck, your only options are a few different factories with different kind of workplace abuses, all requiring you to wake up at 4AM, because the factory opens up at 6AM. Disabled? No, you’re not, you have all your limbs, you just want to take money from the government to then spend it on luxury cars, and maybe a few months of lifting at the factory will make it “magically go away”. Maybe your “wanting to do art” will also be cured, which hopefully got crushed by the good AI, as artists are evil because they don’t get cool injuries during their craft.

    People were okay with apartments, but then some upper-middle class Karens and their male counterparts started to whine about not having “a kitchen garden” (which none of those fuckers can care about at all, thus becoming hotspots for bugs) and “a place where their child can play” (alone), and who knows, their neighbors could be a migrant/black/Roma/whatever is the current boogeyman at your local area.

    Also if you’re in the US, you’re owning the 1 way less than 2 in Europe, thanks to HOAs.