• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Unionization isn’t enough, we need syndicalism. They’re like Unions but armed, more organized, more willing to strike and sabotage, and unlike Unions which attempt to hold back the Capitalists Syndicates replace capitalism entirely. Remember, why demand the scraps of the capitalists when we can take the means of production and the complete value of our labor.

    Pro life tip: Read theory, join your local socialist or anarchist organization, get involved, strike, sabotage, just make sure to organize

  • Im not offended as much as I am disappointed in the Democrat party, why aren’t they as cool as the Republican say they are. Whenever Trump calls them “far left communists” I think “damn I wish”, instead they’re boring center right liberals. Also I was promised by Trump that the Democrats would end capitalism, kill capitalists, instiute a worker owned economy, open the borders to immigration, enforce Trans rights, promote actual diversity, and unify the left under the red banner.