You are loved 🦈🏳️⚧️💜
Today, I went to an Easter gathering my friends family was putting on and his mom came up to me when I arrived and went “It’s Olivia now right?” I’m like, “uh yes” (met before my egg cracked"
And she goes “Well, I just wanted to say welcome Olivia and thank you so much for coming as your true self. We’re happy to have you here with us!” 😭
There is love and support for us out there :)
I came out to my family yesterday, at an Easter thing. That was tough but woof that’s a load off. Now I can boymode less around them!
Why on Easter? Just curious.
because jesus has been replaced by trans people
It has been on March 31st every year for the past 15 years, as a companion day to Trans Day of Remembrance (which commemorates all the trans people murdered in the past year).
Easter is not on the same day every year and was last on March 31st in 2014, 5 years after TDOV started.
Easter won’t fall on TDOV again until 2086.
Has no connection. Easter is a floating holiday. Just lined up this year.
It’s March 31 every year. That it lines up this year is just a fluke of the calendar.