Technically it is a real video game but yes. Amazing piece of technical work. Sad that the main dev seems to be a bit of chud. (But he now has a ~30 person team).
Wow yeah boss, just keep buying working machines until we don’t have to work anymore, brilliant we’re going to be so rich, hey wait where are you going take my with you
I do subscribe to his ideas that technological growth is not currently exponential but even steeper
you can unsubscribe. that’s allowed.
Hey wanna get in on the ground floor of my new cryptocurrency offer? You seem like just the person we are looking for.
You know that Factorio is a fictional video game, right?
Technically it is a real video game but yes. Amazing piece of technical work. Sad that the main dev seems to be a bit of chud. (But he now has a ~30 person team).
logarythmically… what?
They corrected it and made it even dumber, tech growth is steeper than exponential growth.
i gues we’re all living in the post-scarcity utopia then, because otherwise such growth would exhaust resources.
Wow yeah boss, just keep buying working machines until we don’t have to work anymore, brilliant we’re going to be so rich, hey wait where are you going take my with you
logarhythmically, n.: in the manner of making banger beats composed in the method of striking logs
Like the turbo-encabulator’s malleable logarithmic casing
I misspelled the word I wasn’t trying to use