We were so close a few years ago when the senate passed a bill with unanimous consent, only for the house to say fuck you and refuse to even consider it (can’t have anything useful getting done).
No one could agree on what the permanent time should be, that’s why it failed.
This is any group decision making in a nutshell. All the arguing over the thing that matters least.
They could’ve picked either and everyone would just adjust.
Tbh, the US already uses imperial instead of metric, regardless of the difficulty coordinating with other countries. We could have just split the difference and been 30 minutes offset from other countries in the same time zones.
Space in the imperial system is so much cooler!
I prefer my spaceships to not be kitbashed together. I want those exhaust vents to actually do something, when we are in atmosphere only, obviously.
The US has officially been in the metric system since the mid 70s
Exactly this. I don’t care where the permanent time lands. Just make it permanent and we’ll adjust.
I thought it failed because Rs in the senate said “wait no, we passed it by mistake, don’t vote on it please”, and democrats in the house have them what they wanted. A favor that would never be repaid, because they are stupid
It should “spring ahead” and stay there; I want the light after work.
Nope, standard time to sync with the rest of the world. Just align work and school days to an hour earlier. Same work/school day length, just start at 6 instead of 7 year round and you’ll get your extra hour of daylight without making weird “American” time zones.
Good luck getting school and work to start an hour earlier (it’ll never happen).
You want controversial? Split the time zones in half and make them half hour (or so) increments. If the sun sets at 6 pm on the eastern side of the time zone it should also set at 6pm on the western side of the time zone.
So people doing international business have to adjust to America’s insanity. Nice.
You realize American schools and businesses already change their start times twice a year? The numbers stay the same, but the actual time doesn’t?
So people doing international business have to adjust to America’s insanity.
They already do for lots of other things. Where’s the cutoff then?
You realize American schools and businesses already change their start times twice a year?
American schools and business certainly don’t change their start times; the federal government changes the times. If left up to American businesses they’d “fall back” every day during business hours and then “spring ahead” while you slept so that they could work to death more.
The numbers stay the same, but the actual time doesn’t?
Because the only way to mandate anything like this over the size of a massive country is at the federal level. Without the federal level we’d be back to the railroad days where each town had its own time zone.
I know that the European mind can’t comprehend how large of a landmass the United States are so here’s a map of how many European countries fit into the US
The EU can barely agree on much; I doubt you’d be able to agree on this.
We did that in the '70s. Everyone hated it so much that they switched back to DST.
Just go back to normal time and be done with it. Oh, and for you specifically, just ask your work to let you start an hour earlier.
Everyone hated it because people could still make a living in the 70’s. Tim he world wasn’t as shitty.
Now, it’s be one of the few things people would be happy to have.
Set the damn clock to noon at noon on summer solstice and leave it the fuck alone.
I’m all for getting rid of DST, but the idea of making it permanent is beyond ridiculous.
There is not a valid argument for it. Your solution is the only sensible one.
Then we run into the whole every town has its own time zone problem
Fine. Everyone around the world sets their clock to noon when it’s noon on the summer solstice in Greenwich. No more time zones. Just change the times you do things depending on your area.
That’s fine, we have GPS phones.
Those poor developers! Let’s think about them too!
No no I’ll take the extra job security. Keep changing it randomly.
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I’m convinced at this point that it’s kept around at least in part because it’s disruptive and disorienting.
I suspect one of the biggest reasons we’ve kept it is to avoid updating all the software to be compatible with the change. Especially legacy systems.
Its 5am and I’m cranky because I known it’s 4am!
Me, in Arizona:
Though honestly, my thought is if the rest of the country gets rid of DST, I feel like Pacific should go to PDT because it’s incredibly nice when that part of the country aligns with Arizona’s time. Granted, that might be weirder for the eastern Mountain time states.
Imagine if the enterprise had to update all their clocks and schedules to align with Starfleet Headquarters
cannonoically, they do!
Consequence of warp speed, even long hours at impulse cause some discrepancy. They time sync with federation beacons after being out of touch for a while.
We do this now with NTP. Digital clocks have a surprising amount of drift even without relativistic effects.
Time management is already likely a nightmare in the Federation due to all the differing planets/civilizations/etc
Isn’t that what the stardate is for? Since it seems unlikely humans would adopt a wildly confusing system that also doesn’t seem to be related in any way to earth or its culture.
At least that’s what I always assumed, the stardate is the unified federation calendar.
I was thinking about them dealing with Non-Federation planets (Romulan/Klingon/Ferengi/etc)
Oh yeah that’s probably a thing, right. Didn’t think of external relations
I heard Sisko received a commendation for using biogenic weapons on a planet with a 79 hour day
It was Picard performing King Lear for Q on a planet with a 6 hour day.
There was a “Men In Black” cartoon. One of the funniest episodes was that J couldn’t adapt himself to MIB’s 37 hour long day.
Those both seem like Jellico orders…
I don’t want to hear about it. Turn the clock ahead one hour. Get it done.
Let’s distribute the extra time across all days.
Can someone do the math and find out how many seconds/minutes would be added to each day?
My understanding is you’d lose time that way actually because our days are actually just under 24 hours.
But they are slowly getting longer as the Earth’s rotation slows. Humans have actually slowed it down to a measurable degree through climate change and melting icecaps.
I think you’re confusing DST with leap days?
Yeah, you’re right 😂
Hating DST is stupid.
You get an extra hour of daylight after work to actually get things done outside.
If you never ever venture outside or don’t work, I can see why that might not make sense.
You realize DST is zero sum, right? Anything you gain in the evening, you lose in the morning, and vice versa.
Also, anything you gain in the spring, you lose in the fall, and vice versa.
Nothing is ever gained.
It’s the change that is an extra inconvenience that causes disruption in people’s plans and circadian rhythms. Also, for the neurotic out there, the clock is technically wrong during DST as it doesn’t reflect the sun’s position in the sky.
If it’s that important to certain people then those workplaces can just have different seasonal hours. Why fuck with timekeeping because of a few peoples personal preference?
Why do 9-5ers think everyone works 9-5 and we should change all of time to accommodate that instead of talking to your employers?
How does moving the clock forward an hour give you an extra hour of daylight after work?
As an example- If ‘12pm’ is solar noon, 6am is solar Dawn and 6pm is Solar Sundown
If you move everything an hour forward, so now Solar Dawn is at 7am and Solar Sundown is at 7pm, but you still go to work at same times, you now miss an hour of sun in the morning and gain it in the evening.
So then how does moving the clock backward an hour give you an extra hour of daylight after work?
You can just get a job that starts earlier, or with flex time.
This just in, desk jobs that allow WFH don’t exist.