Its duodi today, and we are still in the glorious year 233 of the Revolution. No reasons to make resolutions, or having a hang-over (which kind of slacker would drink a primidi evening in the first place?).
Anyways, I’m officially declaring this lemmy open for 2025, and wish you all a happy new year.
PS: I’ll post the BVWSC thread once you have all sobered up.
Duodi 12 Nivôse an 233 de la Révolution, jour de l’Argile
Its duodi today, and we are still in the glorious year 233 of the Revolution. No reasons to make resolutions, or having a hang-over (which kind of slacker would drink a primidi evening in the first place?).
Anyways, I’m officially declaring this lemmy open for 2025, and wish you all a happy new year.
PS: I’ll post the BVWSC thread once you have all sobered up.
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idk what years you’re counting, but I appreciate you opening the instance for us all this morning. :)
Happy New Year!
It’s the Era of Liberty
Something something time is just, like, a social construct, man