Frustrating when I accidently switch something into another mode and cant figure out what the hell I did or how to get back to the state I am familiar with.
It is amazing that it is free and open source though, it feels like a gift so I dont get too tilted when I get frustrated.
blender has great design and it’s very practical. needs getting used to but once you do it’s really good, to the point that I wish graphic design softwares used some of its controls.
Frustrating when I accidently switch something into another mode and cant figure out what the hell I did or how to get back to the state I am familiar with.
It is amazing that it is free and open source though, it feels like a gift so I dont get too tilted when I get frustrated.
There are well made OSS UIs and there are kludgey, unplanned OSS UIs. Blender is in the latter along with GIMP.
blender has great design and it’s very practical. needs getting used to but once you do it’s really good, to the point that I wish graphic design softwares used some of its controls.
You can’t even make a 2cm cube, or so I remember from a year or three.
Is it also the hideous “one project open once only” still the paradigm?
Gimp is only kludgey if you’re expecting it to respond exactly like Photoshop.