Pretty good. I always dread making textures/materials and yet another project sits untouched for weeks. (Any tips welcome)
Don’t you dare @sharkfucker420 His name is Stefan and he is my roommate.
Yeah this should have been done in a proper CAD software but fuck it, i love blender. I call it the “PCB squeezer 8000” and that is all the explanation i can give.
with the utmost respect, who hurt you?
The proprietary enterprise software license landscape ;(
Damn, from what I can tell, that looks pretty good. How did you do that?
The black lines in the middle are part of an imported pcb layout converted to curves with a .dxf importer plugin. Parts of those i used to knife project the shapes onto a plane to create cutouts. Then i extruded the planes and added pin holes afterwards. So far its only been 3D printed for testing but eventually it will be machined out of metal to be used to press out small flexible PCBs from a sheet.
yeah thats about right
They are crying cuz of windows ;(
You got this!
My first experience with blender was my project being deleted because i forgot to save, my computer crashed and the folder where autosaves are in resets when you turn off the computer
the folder where autosaves are in resets when you turn off the computer
What? That might be the most obviously retarded programming decision I’ve ever heard of.
Not deleting system temp files would probably become worse very quickly. Especially if they are big enough to fill up substantial amounts of space. Configuribg proper autosaving is the correct way.
I’m not sure what you’re arguing for here. Does Blender default to /tmp for auto save or did the user set it? If it’s default, that’s a dumb default
It defaulted to the tmp folder
It was my first time using blender so i didnt change any defaults
🤣 Her face on the monitor says it all
Frustrating when I accidently switch something into another mode and cant figure out what the hell I did or how to get back to the state I am familiar with.
It is amazing that it is free and open source though, it feels like a gift so I dont get too tilted when I get frustrated.
There are well made OSS UIs and there are kludgey, unplanned OSS UIs. Blender is in the latter along with GIMP.
blender has great design and it’s very practical. needs getting used to but once you do it’s really good, to the point that I wish graphic design softwares used some of its controls.
You can’t even make a 2cm cube, or so I remember from a year or three.
Is it also the hideous “one project open once only” still the paradigm?
Gimp is only kludgey if you’re expecting it to respond exactly like Photoshop.