Now republicans want masks?!? Ha
There’s a certain irony there, no? 🤣
Even doubly so, when you think about it. Masks really don’t work against BO, just like the idiots claimed it didn’t work against covid lol
They’re pretty good at making you realise you shouldn’t have rushed brushing your teeth, though – which also highlights what they’re for.
Come to think of it, I wonder if that’s part of why some people hated them so much, because they had to breathe their own stank mouth. Huh.
Laura Loomer loves that shit.
I knew a girl in college that had lost her sense of smell. This was 20 years before covid, so that wouldn’t have been the cause. Maybe this loomer person has no sense of smell.
We know she has no sense of taste.
She’ll debase herself as much as needed to continue the grift. Conservative beliefs are the MLM of politics.
The dude probably cums secret sauce though.
I imagine it looks like boogers when you have a bad cold.
I was picturing more like a pimple, you have to start squeezing it from the base to get it all out.
Bound to be olfactory damage related to cosmetic surgery in that area
Or excessive cocaine use.
You need a healthy functioning brain for your sense of smell to operate correctly. Trump probably smells like cinnamon to that whack job Loomer
On a serious note, COVID isn’t the only virus that can cause loss of smell (permanent or temporary). I lost it before COVID for a month or so, and it took some time for it to return completely. But to this day, there are still certain chemical smells (like deodorants in spray) that smell a tiny bit off to me.
Know somebody that lost smell due to covid and they also said there are certain things that just don’t smell the same anymore.
Like coffee apparently. It no longer smells as good to him as it used to.
Yeah, I think my sense of smell in general has never returned in full capacity. I think it’s slightly weaker. Crazy stuff.
My wife has COVID olfactory loss that has never fully come back. I’m thankful in a way because I can fart on road trips and she doesn’t know it.
Joke’s on you. To compensate for her loss of smell, she developed super hearing. Now she hears you fart every time.
My mom has no sense of smell, I believe it was from a polyp surgery where the surgeon nicked something during the operation. We couldn’t have any gas powered appliances growing up because she wouldn’t be able to smell a leak if there was one.
Plenty of reasons beyond COVID for why someone may not be able to smell.
shit smells like opportunity to a feces eating fly
Dollar signs in her eyes are bigger than squiggly lines up her nose, it’s that simple.
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They’re saying that the stench is actually worse than shit
Far worse than shit, some say the worst.
Tremendous stench. Everybody knows. The biggest stench. No one has stench as big.
A fetid mixture of stale piss, dried shit skids, swamp ass, tangy armpit odor, cheap cologne, halitosis, foot stink, and crotch rot.
Stop! I can only get so… dry retch.
Its not the smell, its the burning of their eyes they can’t stand.
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This definitively was not in my 2024 Bingo card:
Republicans masking
You’ve got it all wrong, they’re fine with masks for certain purposes (lynchings, intimidation) but not for others (public safety, AntiFascist protest)
I don’t care whether this is true. Spread it!
Tell everyone.
If we have to create stories so that the American media actually has to pay attention to the suffering of people at Trump’s rallies, then that’s what we’re going to do
Even if it weren’t true, is just an “alternative fact” that would clearly be “directionally true”
On Facebook, I saw that my neighbor posted about her friend’s daughter’s cat going to a Trump rally and leaving early because of the smell. This is a 100% true, irrefutable fact, that can and should be quoted on national TV and taken seriously.
Yeah but we’re not creating this. This is many eyewitness accounts. Quoted verbatim.
Seems very believable
Mofo seems very manic and lazy 🤷♂️
tbf he looks it. if there’s anyone who looks exactly like BO would, it’s him. with his disgusting color, shape, texture, everything.
> Kinzinger described Trump’s scent as an odd mix of armpits, ketchup, makeup, and butt
Ha ha ha he really is an orange turd.
Oof. Thanks. I hate it.
For those that may need it:
- Right click and select “inspect”
- A new panel will open, and the text
<img ...
will be highlighted. Right click that. - Select “Delete Node.”
- Impress your friends with your new hacker skills.
Now do it for the real thing!
beautiful lol.
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Maybe that’s why people leave his rallies in droves. The breeze starts blowing the wrong way, and the crowds get his diaper+BO stank right in their faces.
More likely that they were paid to go and they already got their money.
Are we to believe that this is the reason Miller, Vance, and Loomer all wear skin masks? Seems convenient.
I wish they would fix Vance’s. It doesn’t look right on him.
He smells as putrid on the outside as he does on the inside. This is what evil smells like.
Now, there are people who have a medical condition that causes body odour, so let me say that they are not necessarily evil. Trump, however…
But trump does not have a medical condition. He’s a junkie who shits himself and he eats the worlds worst diet. This is what real zombies smell like.
That was my point, sorry for being unclear
And laura loomer brags she had sexual things done to him… imagine that
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Some people lack a sense of smell. They often have an offensive odor. Since I find what these people say offensive its no stretch at all to believe they really stink.
Guess what snorting cocaine (or Sudafed) does to your sense of smell?
Why would he snort Sudafed when he had access to real drugs? Sudafed can act as a simulant but it’s a very rough “high”, more comparable to drinking too much coffee than a party drug.
From what I’ve previously read, a young Trump had a close family member (I wanna say Uncle) die from drug abuse, specifically cocaine and alcohol, and he had to watch this guy spiral all the way down. Trump swore to stay away from drugs and booze after that, but I think it just scared the shit out of him. Plus, he had that drawer that was suspiciously full of “the good” sudafed.
No, he was very much face-down-in-the-coke-pile for awhile. His production assistant says he has a scar on the side of his nose from repairing his blown-out septum, which is one reason he slathers all that greasy paint on his face.
David Cay Johnston notes that the helicopter service trump rented to fly between NY and Atlantic City was based out of Miami for a reason.
Trump’s casinos retained Weichselbaum’s firm to fly high rollers to Atlantic City. Weichselbaum was indicted in Ohio on charges of trafficking in marijuana and cocaine. . . . Weichselbaum, who in 1979 had been caught embezzling and had to repay the stolen money, pleaded guilty to two felonies.
Donald Trump vouched for Weichselbaum before his sentencing, writing that the drug trafficker is “a credit to the community” who was “conscientious, forthright, and diligent.”. . . In seeking early release, Weichselbaum said Trump had a job waiting for him.
Ya boi knows a rail of coke when he sees it.
Fair. I can’t claim to be an expert on trump drug use. I’m going off a blurb I remember hearing somewhere, but I can’t attribute or verify.
Trump is also known to lie on occasion.
That’s just to pull the news away from the disastrous debate. Or so I think.
We can only dream of things being so bad for the campaign that this would be a planted story.
When? That’s too funny.
This does not say she is bragging about doing anything sexual with Trump. She is trying to deny it.
The rumors are that she bragged about it to her friends, if she has any
Imagine pulling that tiny peanut out of their diaper so you put it in your mouth. Now try to imagine pride…
Thanks. I puked
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Maybe she’s into that. Or maybe she’s just attracted to power.
Loomer is into scat
Skadda bim scribbly do dee da da
🎵cha-cha-cha-chortly slurpy poo— be boopin’ poopin’ on the chest— skee scat rimmin’ rim rim rim🎵
please go away I’ll give you a slice of pizza if you do it again but longer and louder
No, no, the other scat.
what other scat is there? Scatman John is the only artist who engaged it.
There is only one Scatman, and it ain’t him.
Scat singing, is the one you’re referring to, though personally I’d go with Ella Fitzgerald as an example everyone should recognise.
Scat fetish is the one everyone else is thinking about in this context, given Trump’s tendency to always have a copious amount of the required materials on hand or, as it were, diaper.
Her morals are in the skibidi toilet
Skadda bim scribbly do dee da da do do
Zoomer slang is getting out of control /s
A lot of other things he emits, e.g. “Truth” “Social” posts, leave people gagging, too.