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Cake day: July 29th, 2023

  • Gotcha. To answer your question, voter registration is managed at the state level. I’d have to do deeper check, but I don’t think it is illegal to try to register if you are not eligible (in most “free” states), you’ll just fail to be registered. It’s already illegal to lie on the application, and there are provisions to verify eligibility at the state level.

    Secondly, if this provison was meaningless, I’m sure Dems would let it pass. This is a (hopefully, but probably not) last ditch attempt from republicans to suppress the vote.

    Third, no one with any capacity to reason is going to believe those republican knuckledraggers. Dems shooting down these provisions simply energize the mindless baboons that were still going to go out and vote for trump anyway. I guess it also gives republicans an excuse to say the vote was rigged, but they are going to do that when they lose in November regardless.

  • Not to mention… It takes extra time to check that info when you vote. Even if it takes just an extra 10 seconds to confirm an ID number. Out in rural (red) areas, it may only add a few minutes to the queue time to vote, but for urban (blue) areas, some voting stations see 40000+ people, adding literally hundreds of hours (distributed across a few lines) to the time it takes to vote. Factor in that voting is officially 1 day, and not a federal holiday. Who can afford to wait in line a few extra hours to vote in those areas? Who can take the whole day off instead of just their lunch, in order to vote? Who is going to have stability in their housing in order to keep the necessary documents safe and readily available?

    It’s all a plan to target the poor and working class in cities, suppress their votes, and erode the foundation of democracy, that everyone get 1 equal vote.

  • Because there are already multiple checks and barriers to entry in order to register to vote.

    “What’s the harm in adding one more” you might ask?

    Historically speaking, voter fraud happens at extremely low rates, and not nearly often enough to influence national or state level elections. When voter fraud does happen it’s predominantly someone (cough republicans cough) casting a vote for a recently deceased relative, and not an illegal alien voting fraudulently. Barriers to voting have a long and storied history in the US of specifically targeting minorities instead of preserving the power of the people.

    This is why it is controversial. It’s targeting a non-issue, distracting from the actual issue, and intended to suppress the votes of vulnerable citizens.

  • VP can resign at any time though. I’d have to double check, but I don’t think there is a line if succession for the VP, since the President is over the VP, they can just select a new VP, although Congress may have to have a majority vote to accept the appointment.

    Now to go check how good my HS government class was almost 20 years ago…

    Edit : 25th Amendment, Section 2

    Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

    I actually can’t find anything (quickly) about when/how the VP can resign, but I assume they would have to formally submit their resignation in writing, or verbally and directly to the President, who would accept the resignation. As far as I can tell, the VP could resign right after being sworn in.