Comrades of the European Internet Forum,
enough is enough!
For decades, we have placed ourselves in the cultural shadows - well-behaved, conformist, as if we were the ill-educated child of the great American moral uncle, who must not be too loud, not too naked and certainly not too independent. While half-naked shoulders are censored at high school graduation ceremonies in the USA, heads are thrown around like bowling balls in TV series. All normal, all ‘entertainment’. But woe betide you if you see a nipple - then the censorship hammer screeches louder than a Trump on Truth Social.
I ask you: What has become of Europe?
We, the continent-born of the Enlightenment, the revolutions, the renaissance of nudity on canvas, in stone and on film - we have allowed a country that bottles cheese in cans, of all things, to tell us what is ‘moral’!
It’s not moral, it’s demurely stupid.
Why are depictions of violence in mass media allowed to flow freely like American fracking oil, but natural, aesthetic, tasteful nudity - which has been part of European art and culture for centuries - is algorithmically filtered out, demonetised and labelled with warnings as if it were uranium?
No more prudish double standards!
We need a cultural return to what we have to offer:
- Enlightenment instead of transfiguration.
- Pleasure instead of violence.
- Nudity as an expression of naturalness - not as a moral offence.
I call on you: Banish pixelated prudery! Let’s tear apart the corset of American moral dictatorship like a badly programmed DRM protection! Save the freedom of the breast - for Europe!
Stop aligning your films, games and series with a market that beeps ‘fuck’ five times but completely waves ‘shoot him in the face’ through.
We are not Hollywood’s post office box. We are Europe. We are culture. We are naked! - So, metaphorically. And sometimes literally. And that’s okay.
Thank you for your attention!
Nice 😏
so… Why are we naked?
I don’t know, but there’s very chilly weather here and my pee pee is shrinking. Maybe we could try again in the summer?
Because there is nothing wrong with it.
fair enough i suppose.
Because it’s artistic and natural.
I took my clothes off I don’t know what else is going on but I’m having a good time thanks for inviting me I really appreciate it
Username checks out?
I can see your nutsack!
“A reliable way to incapacitate Americans” @GenosseFlosse
Hell yeah! But actually, what?
I have no idea what I just read, but it sounded like something I should agree with
he wants to look at boobs
Amen to that.
Ironically this comment implies there’s something morally wrong or depraved about that, or that wanting to look at boobs is an inherently sexual thing (to which only an immoral degenerate would succumb), which is exactly the kind of Puritan-derivative “sex bad” mindset that the post is rallying against.
thats deep
I didn’t take my dick out for Harambe, but I’ll do it for Europe
The nudity taboo is a conspiracy by the textile industry to sell more clothes.
It’s a funny post, but a serious point. The Europe of my childhood was different countries all very different from the US. But over time American media and algorithmic dominance are eroding things toward being America with accents. And what will you get for throwing away that cultural identity? Americans will still sneer at Europe.
I think a trickier question is: if Europe ought to retain its own identity, then shouldn’t each European country retain its own identity instead of banding together as “Europe”.
My view is that it’s not necessary to pit regional identity vs European identity. I think it’s possible to have them side by side. I appreciate many things in my region that make up our identity, but at the same time as a European I can also appreciate many cultural aspects of other regions
I find identity tends to be like an onion, in that it has layers.
Also in that picking it apart is an unpleasant experience that frequently ends in tears.
I agree. I like the post and its message, but in general everyone needs to focus less on identity and more on community. People have really lost the plot these days. What are we doing all of this for? So our families will have a good life, right? Everyone the world over is mostly just looking for that.
…Now that you actually put it that way, it’s kinda weird to think of identity as something separate from belonging to a community.
Why stop there? Go back to the breakdown in feudal times! Which duke do you owe fealty to?
It happened that the US was the largest provider of entertainment during the last almost century. But it really stops now: their craziness become too obvious and irritating so I expect their influence will also diminish.
The quality has also dropped dramatically since the emergence of American streaming services while creating entertainment has become more accessible with freeware and open source programs. The world lost it‘s appetite for Hollywood slop.
light nsfw meme
It’s not gay if the balls don’t touch. So they tell me. :)
They also are probably wearing socks.
it’s not gay. Been there, can confirm
Haha written like a pamphlet during the Industrial Revolution. I love every part of this.
I’ve been to a bunch of nudist events in Australia, naked bike ride, nude beach, life drawing events, confest hippie festival and some gallery openings. I’ve also studied anatomy. People need to get their head right about what it means to be naked. Everyone has a body, and should be more comfortable with it.
Edit: Chatting with yanks on deaddit, they largely seem so afraid of nudity that they’ll be calling the police if there’s an adult naked around a child where in many other parts of the world it’s completely normal, eg modest family bathing scenes in anime.
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your rears!
We are all ich bin ein wieners now.
I’m down… And already naked. While we’re at it, let’s drop the prepubescent hairlessness.
Let’s just let people groom themselves however they prefer. We need to normalise accepting bodies of all kinds instead of pushing people to some particular ideal.
Hear hear! My shaved ball sack is oh so delicious to touch! (That’s not an invitation btw. My balls are mine)
I don’t think you’re wrong that we should let people do what they want but it’s definitely troubling that so many people want pre pubescent hairlessness in their partner. Maybe we should do away with whatever is causing that
I see it as a supernormal stimulus: women’s bodies are less hairy than men’s, so a hairless body is the most feminine. Or, the young are less hairy than the old, so hairlessness is the most youthful.
Though one could argue that it is solely cultural, based on the fact that those preferences do change over time
It makes sense in porn, when the point is to show every detail up close, hair obscures the details. It’s just that so many people then decide porn is what they want to model themselves after, or what they expect of partners…
Trust me, no one wants to see me take my clothes off.
I disagree, you were just taught to be ashamed of your body. Just as you shouldn’t be ashamed of your face or hair or height, you shouldn’t be ashamed of your nipples or butt or genitals.
Nudity is okay, your body is yours, and your nudity is not for others pleasure if you don’t want it to be. Just as I wouldn’t look at your face and be disgusted that you have a nose, i wouldn’t be disgusted that you have other body parts.