SSNs didn’t always have the super-secret status they do now. When I was in college, they used SSNs as student IDs. It was printed right on all my grade reports. Now, the US government explicitly advised, even back then, not to use SSNs as general identification. But everyone did.
So, it doesn’t take any “audacity” to list SSNs in CIA documents in the 60s. Back then, it couldn’t be used for financial fraud like it is today.
SSNs didn’t always have the super-secret status they do now. When I was in college, they used SSNs as student IDs. It was printed right on all my grade reports. Now, the US government explicitly advised, even back then, not to use SSNs as general identification. But everyone did.
Ah, learn more about the American system every day.
And “glowie”? Really? What are you, twelve?
If a twelve year old is using far-right anti-establishment rhetoric, I would be very concerned.
SSNs didn’t always have the super-secret status they do now. When I was in college, they used SSNs as student IDs. It was printed right on all my grade reports. Now, the US government explicitly advised, even back then, not to use SSNs as general identification. But everyone did.
So, it doesn’t take any “audacity” to list SSNs in CIA documents in the 60s. Back then, it couldn’t be used for financial fraud like it is today.
And “glowie”? Really? What are you, twelve?
Ah, learn more about the American system every day.
If a twelve year old is using far-right anti-establishment rhetoric, I would be very concerned.
You haven’t noticed that most “far right anti establishment rhetoric” these days started with immature losers on 4chan?
Good point.