This is one sample visit to the conservative subreddit. It’s an appalling example of the impact of disinformation. When you need to be reminded of who the enemy is and what they think, visit here. You will see that there is no gratitude or mutual respect, and there never was. There was never any concept of mutual benefit. And now, with Trump leading the cult, there truly is no depth to which they won’t go, and no decisions from Trump that won’t be retroactively justified.
These people are dangerous, and they don’t give a shit about any alliances, friendship or partnership. And they control the levers of power.
Edit to add a screenshot. Not sure how to add more, but it doesn’t get any better as you go deeper. What’s clear is that this relationship is over, and we need to move on.
Conservative voters are the dumbest fucking things, I swear. They go on about patriotism, yet want nothing more than to watch the downfall of their countries. Pathetic.
Doubling down on tribalism won’t save us from their ignorance. The degradation of a unified society by means of Us vs. Them thinking is how we got here in the first place and how things continue to get worse.
There are those at the fringes of that style of thinking that can be reached by those of us who are adjacent to them (via family, mutual friends, workplaces, etc.). Those folks at the fringes can reach those adjacent to them. We’ll never get 100% of them on side but we can at least weaken the well-funded machine that continues to keep them uninformed by relating to people as human beings instead of stoking division like oligarchs intend for us to do.
The problem is that we no longer agree on what reality is with Trump sycophants. For them lies are truth, night is day, less then 1% of fentanyl is a national emergency, etc even when presented with facts and objectivity. It’s legit terrifying and I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t know how our politicans are able to deal with people they can’t share reality with. Canada’s going to bear the brunt of US delusion and unreality.
LOL! Then you have the Putin Bots and Xi’s $0.50 Army mixing in with the f’ed up MAGAts.
“My act of war is not an act of war. Your response to it is!!!” - Trump Sheep #15674
Funny, it’s exactly what Putin said about Ukraine. That and “It’s not a real country,” which Elon Musk recently said of Canada.
Given the crap you can read on the White House website nowadays, I’m questioning more whether America is a real country, because it feels more like three fascist oligarchs in a trenchcoat.
I mean, it tracks with their view of the Ukraine situation as well.
It also tracks with the general conservative mindset that the “in group” is protected by laws, but not beholden to them; while the “out group” is beholden to laws, but not protected by them.
Which all tracks with having the mindset of a toddler, free of any shred of empathy, where, until proven otherwise every other person in existence is by default just an NPC without agency or self-determination.
I used to read it to see what conservatives were thinking. There used to be actual discourse in the comments about policy positions. It’s now nothing more than brainrot and Russian trolls.
Has anyone found the secret spot where conservatives act normal and explain their reasoning? Please don’t make me install nextdoor
Last time I had a “conservative act normal and explain their reasoning” they sounded like a toddler trying to explain the world to me. Lol
Yeah, seen my fair share of conservatives fail to preface their shock and disagreement with something with a lengthy apologia and get the banhammer for being a ‘brigadier’.
That subreddit is nothing more than an echo chamber. If you express an even slightly reasonable view, you get banned.
The only way for dissenting opinions to be expressed is with the downvote button, and even then most reasonable people avoid going there because it’s so frustrating to read.
All of these comments are severely downvoted. What are you every saying here? That one incredibly unpopular opinion represents them all?
Don’t get me wrong, fuck them all. But this is such a stupid argument for your hate.
I don’t need r/Conservative as an argument for my hate. Listen to Rogan, or read any one of the dozens of other threads at that sub. Or even look a bit deeper in that post.
That happens when r/conservative gets to the front page where they are pant’ed/ brigaded.
They do not reach those numbers on their own, and the most heinous shit is defended by the mods with the same voracity as Reagan
Personally, I automatically hate anyone that describes themselves as conservative, but you have to know that r/Conservative is not a very good representation of the entire group. It’s EXTREME and one of the most blatant echo chambers I’ve ever witnessed; any dissent will earn you a ban from that sub.
I’m confused. The screenshot you shared just has two idiots sharing stupid opinions and 1.1 thousand/389 people (likely from the same subreddit) disagreeing with them.
I’m not saying the conservative subreddit isn’t unhinged, but this feels pretty cherry picked.
Maybe share a photo of the most upvoted comments for a better reference?
It was a highly-awarded reply to the top comment, so it was the second comment you would see by default sorting (though it starts minimized).
But yeah to @OP this is not America or what Americans think. That sub is pure Russian disinfo and astroturfing. You could argue that it represents the administration and current policy, but most of the actual people here recognize this as lunacy, even on within the Putin echo chamber.
If you spent time on other platforms like Threads you’d see a lot more of this being continuously spewed. It’s why I deleted my accounts on several services. While this might be a cherry picked example from that sub, the far right revisionist take is far, far more common on popular social media than you think.
One of the downsides of remote work is that I don’t really talk to anyone outside my political alignment anymore, so it’s hard for me to know anymore what’s a bot/astroturf campaign and what IRL conservatives are actually thinking anymore.
This is actually classic fascist playbook:
- We are the strongest
- But also - o no - we are under attack from all sides, everyone is against us
I hope they skip ahead to the last chapter, the kys-in-a-bunker section specifically.
If they’re gonna play follow the leader they should play it right.
Seriously why hasnt reddit banned that subreddit yet? Is not like they ARENT ban happy in other areas!
But I guess fucking fascism is A-OK!!
Reddit is a soulless corporation that only wants to make money. Like a vampire, but money instead of blood. But if you drove a stake through the heart of reddit’s CEO and board members, you’d go to jail for some reason. Unless the jury was super cool and nullified.
Because it generates interaction and user count. Money before country.
God I hate CEOs
LMAO, because Reddit is extremely pro conservative and still largely beholden to whatever China wants.
Pedo-Donald will try to annex Canada. For the first time of my life I’m considering getting a gun. We cannot trust conservatives anymore. Poilievre and mostly Ford are just playing the though guy card now to negociate a position, mark my words. Be prepare to fight.
A shotgun is a really excellent choice. You don’t have to be crazy accurate at close quarters, but you can still reach out and touch someone (remember, they’re used for hunting Duck, Turkey, and Deer; games have to massively nerf their range because they’re OP in real life). The ammo is pretty much everywhere and pretty affordable compared to some others. Also, if things don’t kick off, you’re not stuck with some mall ninja kit.
Accept the annexation and in 10 years the entire US government will be run by Canadians. Just look at their entertainment industry, they can’t resist our Canadian charms.
Funny but I will die before anyone can call me an american, that I can guarantee.
Tons of people call you American, all over the world.
I’ve travel the world, live in Europe for 6 years and haven’t met a single person who didn’t know the difference between Canada and USA.
But even if it was the case, that would only mean tons of people are geographically illiterate then. The First Nation people didn’t magically became Indians because a bunch of idiots thought they were,
Stupid and proud of it is the new norm, lol. You american ?
Why are you upset by what I said? I’m curious what about my statement made you so angry?
Because I’m not american and only under-educated people don’t know the difference between usa and Canada.
Lol, well you sure don’t fit the pleasant stereotype. Have a good one fellow American. 😘
Cesspool, the question is what % are bots.
The only 1% these guys can be in is 1% posters on the conservative subreddit.
It has been interesting to see “Canadian Conservatives”, some of them top commenters, get viciously turned on by /r/conservative while lamenting about how this is hurting PP and the Conservatives movement in Canada.
turns out an ideology that ignores real problems and always seeks out groups to villainize isn’t a good way to make long term friends