Trump / Musk is the two-headed avatar of corrupt Capitalism - the final boss - the last stand before it is finally vanquished.
Or a benelli to the face
I think Capitalism is reaching a dead end, just as Feudalism had. We will need a completely different approach, specifically designed to bring prosperity and political agency to every person. A rebuilt constitution that isn’t just about political rules, but also economic.
These times will either cause Americans to show the way forward to the globe, or be a disastrous example to avoid repeating. Either way, the American Experiment is reaching a crescendo.
I’d say the main issue isn’t capitalism per se, it’s unfettered capitalism with no guardrails in place. In a social democracy Bernie style, the economic system is still capitalistic - he’s always said so - but with a number of constraints that distribute wealth equitably and that prevents the accumulation of power in very few hands.
The individualistic nature of humans make fully “communist” type systems oppressive and unrealistic, IMO. You need to give so much power to those enforcing this kind of system that they systematically end up using it to feed their own personal greed for wealth and power.
But a social democrat system still allows for individual freedoms and self interest - it’s just not so deeply “savage” that limitless money can be converted to limitless power to change rules to make it easier to accumulate limitless money.
i think you’re not wrong for thinking that, hell, it does look like it; But i don’t think capitalism is going to end just yet. The Americans have showed to all the world what hyper capitalism is and how it can poison and kill a nation. The fact that we don’t know yet of a system to replace the current doesn’t give me much hope that we are going to try out anytime soon. What i think might actually happen is that a social democracy might become the way forward is many places (as it already is in some countries today); For some people in the capitalist elite this might actually be a good compromise of keeping the status-quo and changing up the system.
Who knows, maybe after social democracy thrives there might actually be a new system coming.
Wouldn’t a lot of our problems go away if worker owned cooperatives became the only legal form of corporation, combined with the abolishment of shareholder investment?
I don’t think the entire system needs to be changed. Just tax appropriately and get rid of free externalities. Companies should pay for pollution or other environmental effects they produce and should be taxed incrementally.
Otherwise you have corporations making millions because of an unfair advantage which is eventually paid by the user or governments.
Well, the Democrats won’t be the ones to do it.
The hubris of the Democratic party establishment + consultants is just… wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more poorly executed and inaccurate RCA summary. They are so far up their own assholes that they’re making themselves sneeze.
The Democrats are themselves cancer.
Holy shit, that second bullet point. The hundreds of thousands of people donating small sums of money are somehow less representative of the electorate than the two hundred people donating over a million dollars each, because reasons (just not mathematically sound ones)
It’s the 4th bullet point that gets me. “We should spend more time going to right-wing-dominated spaces (and also restaurants)”. Because only right-wing communities are “real”. Anything lefties do is elitist.
The second bullet point is itself a paradox. By definition hundreds of small donations would represent the electorate better than individual large donors.
Is this verified? If so, congratulations, Democratic party leadership. Once again, you’re planning on doing the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Their leftist voter turnout is going to plummet again while they try court Republicans—who often vote by party rather than policy.
The party should "embrace-patriotism, community, and traditional American imagery
Playing into nostalgia and nationalism. A strategy taken straight from the other party’s playbook.
Democrats should “ban far-left candidate questionnaires and refuse to participate in forums that create ideological purity tests” and “move away from the dominances small-dollars donors whose preferences may not align with the broader electorate”
Condemning progressiveness, leaving their policies either to do nothing or slide the country even more into conservatism.
Abandoning their actual “small-dollars” donors (constituents) whose preferences may not align with
the broader electoratethe corporate donors.They should “push back against far-left staffers and groups that exert a disproportionate influence on policy-and messaging”
Going to screw progressive politicians yet again, leaving only moderates and conservatives.
Candidates should “get out of elite circles and into real communities (e.g., tailgates, gun shows, local restaurants, churches)”
Actively and deliberately court voters from conservative hotspots.
The party needs to “own the failures of Democratic governance in large cities and commit to improving local government.”
Either this means the goal is deregulation, or that they don’t plan on addressing issues outside of rural areas. Maybe both.
“Meet me in the middle,” says the leopard.
The Geronocrats and MAGATs are the foolish clown that hops into the mouth of the beast.
People really need to show up to the primaries from now on. Tired of this shit.
Do they still have super delegates?
This is how you continue to lose. The first bullet point is correct. The rest is fail.
The first dot point is incorrect. They should not embrace that right wing nonsense.
There’s something to be said for the very idea of We The People. Given the current state of things it can be a unifier for punching up.
I’m not saying hang a flag on your pickup truck. Just know the constitution and home much Elon is tearing through it with that chainsaw of his.
Correct. Patriotism should be the result, not the means.
Literally the majority of the video is just random left-bashing lmao
And then proposing “super-capitalism” as a solution what an absolute clown
Did you watch a different video? He said that reality-challenged tankie spaces aren’t able to contribute to a leftist movement that is able to attract workers.
That sounds entirely accurate to me.
tankie spaces aren’t able to contribute to a leftist movement
Right, like I said, left-bashing.
Btw, is Hasan Piker a tankie? Because he bashed him too, and he’s by far the largest leftist politics streamer with an enormous influence and broad appeal. But I guess he’s not ideologically pure enough for Adam Something so therefore he’s a tankie and useless.
His whole way of thinking is entirely idealist, as if creating an ideologically pure movement (ironically, by ditching any semblance of socialism including even the word, in favor of “super capitalism”), the left will automatically win. Nowhere in the video does he discuss any positive vision or any actually strategy other than punching left. Obviously, he serves as nothing but an off-ramp to get people to abandon leftist ideas they might otherwise be inclined towards, the only question is whether he’s doing it intentionally or is just a useful idiot of the right.
He made a case against elitist/purist versions of leftism, so you accusing him of excluding people that aren’t ideologically pure enough indicates that you massively missed the point.
Similar with “left-bashing”: he’s a leftist, why would he? He has views about what makes us unable to be attractive to a wider audience, that’s constructive criticism.
Are you fine bro? everything in just flew over your head like a feather in the strong wind, did you sleep well, eat well?
I understood his message perfectly, nothing “flew over my head,” it’s just that his message is stupid and wrong so I’m criticizing it. And you’re resorting to condescension since you have no ability to answer my criticisms. Is Hasan Piker a tankie, yes or no?
No doubt you’re within the circle of the personality cult these sorts of people tend to form and can’t imagine the concept of someone understanding and disagreeing.
I think you missed the context. In the video, he meant instead of using “takeover the means of production” use terms that everyday people can understand and relate to. And yes, you’re right, the video is indeed left bashing, but for good reason. The whole point of the video is to point out the flaws of the left and put out the need for more organization and less puritanism (also actually knowing history and actions of current regimes)
use terms that everyday people can understand and relate to
Nobody would think “super-capitalism” means “worker ownership of the means of production.” It’s intentionally misusing language to in the opposite of what it actually means and is understood of in the hope of somehow “gaming” politics through blatant and obvious rhetorical trickery. It’s completely ridiculous and would be trivially torn apart by the right if it wasn’t so innately ineffective to be beneath their notice and not even worth refuting.
less puritanism
He’s more obsessed with purity than anyone, just in the opposite direction. Even when you have a broadly popular figure like Hasan who’s clearly valuable and effective in promoting leftist ideas, he still comes after him, completely ignoring the actual reality of his popularity and effectiveness because he doesn’t pass Adam’s own purity test.
(also actually knowing history and actions of current regimes)
And yet, he expressed open disdain for actually reading theory. The fact that he does so while saying such blatant nonsense really convinces me more of the importance of reading theory.
It is important to understand the history of various socialist projects and their various successes and failures, but to do that you actually have to engage with them and understand their beliefs and their reasons for making the decisions they did - something that Adam Something clearly has absolutely zero interest in doing. The left suffers from this tendency he exhibits to completely write off any insufficiently pure project as having zero connection to “real” leftism, which makes it categorically impossible to learn from past mistakes.
are you against worker co-ops?
Did you reply to the wrong comment?
Are you?
Adam Something has repeatedly used “Super Capitalism” as a conservative-friendly way of saying worker co-ops. You’d know this if you paid attention to the video, or watched his other videos.
I did pay attention to the video. I understand what he’s aiming to do with rebranding leftist ideas as “super-capitalist” I just think it’s a completely braindead move. It doesn’t matter how much you try to avoid the label, if you ever pose any genuine threat to capital then you will be branded as a socialist whether you are or not, even if you do manage to trick a couple gullible rubes by lying to them (which would be unlikely to work in the first place).
I have no particular problem with worker co-ops, I do absolutely have a problem with this idiotic nonsense. If you allow the socialist label to be a boogeyman you are shooting yourself in the foot, it’s literally how we got here in the first place.
Do you genuinely take this clown seriously? Lmao.
deleted by creator
You learn the left-bashing well lmao. Just default to it immediately whenever confronted with criticism you can’t answer.
Is this y’all’s version of theory, where you get this shit from? Good to finally know where the shitlibs on here come from, I kinda assumed it was some random YouTube personality.
In a sane world Bernie would be considered a centrist.
Bernie was the compromise. now it’s Luigi time.
Luigi 2028
he is, globally
Isn’t he at least center left?
Not on the global scale.
Not on an American scale either. This bullshit about the “far left” is targeted right at him.
I’m 50:50 there will be another election. And I’m 50:50 on it being rigged if there is one.
Even if we have one, and it’s not rigged, the Dems are proposing absolute jack shit for the people. So I don’t see how they could even win a fair election.
We need a new party or a serious nation wide event if we want to put an end to projec 2025
At this point I’m convinced the only way to defeat Trump and his band of Nazis is to shoot them all in their fucking faces.
Could already have had two terms of Bernie (or Gore too), but humans, eh.
certain, specific humans, have a great deal more culpability than others.
less useful blaming billions when a couple dozen people engineered the choices for the rest of us, especially on climate.
the biggest problem opposition groups have nowadays is targeting the wrong people to oppose. I know who my enemies are and it’s not so self defeatingly simplistic as humans = bad.
Children of Kali when?
Also, great image. I’m stealing that.
If the democratic machine would let him. He’d do a bang up job. But the DNC will mobilize all they have to stop him. Damn the cost. Just as they’ve done in the past.
Actually there is one way. And I think you know what it is.
That’s what the voters have been trying to tell the DNC since 2016.
But the DNC’s ears are plugged with corporate cash.
Ears? It’s more like every orifice being plugged with corporate cash.
Really? Then why aren’t there more progressives at every level of the Democrat party?
Maybe they should try telling Democrats at the voting booth.
Call me crazy, but I want an answer before 2028.