In my mailbox…My arrest warrant from the Dutch police.
Ok, this is definitely the winning comment. I’m crossing my fingers for you bro
What are the charges?
Eating a meal, a Succulent Chinese Meal
Get your hands off my penis!
Ah so you send me that .pdf, tuff luck
For burning kuran ?
I found the Cunt Coloring Book from the 1970’s. Yes, scanned in as PDF. Yes, a few pages were already colored in, mostly psychedelic colors though.
And yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like, a bunch of hand drawn lady parts to be colored in.
Ah I didn’t think to look into that part of my downloads for PDFs
I’m so curious
Nothing special enough to share, nor would I even share such works, especially with all the pages stuck together…
I find this segment to be particularly insightful:
That’s the one I was gonna post! I think the text file containing ASCII 0s and 1s for an image of the Mona Lisa comes second.
I think this is relevant:
The technical plans for the Death Star.
Are there any vulnerabilities? Asking for a friend
Ooh! Link? ^^
I cannot find the actual file I was talking about, but I did find my WEG Death Star Technical Manual. I am still trying to find the laptop that has the technical readouts of the Death Star.
A copy of Man after Man:
This is such a weird book. It has leech people, underwater people, blind psychic baby people, meat mountain people, etc.I’ll need more details on this
It’s a speculative evolution book from 1990 about how mankind might evolve in the next 5 million years. Basically the premise is that due to climate change, new species of humans are engineered to survive in a more hostile world. And then it follows these new species and their further evolutions.
The creatures in the picture above are both descended from humans.
It’s weird, bleak and very far fetched.A small gallery of the various species:
I was going to say the illustrations look very 90s
Truly morbid looking
Some days i feel like the engineered food creature.
Incredible ! I love it ! Will try to find it
There’s a copy of it in the internet archive
Yeah I found it, thanks for the reply
Question about the years if someone knows: is “years hence” a fancy british way of saying “years in the future” or is it some antiquated large non-SI unit of time since I find any of the species described in shorter timeframes, the Vacuumorph beimg an egregious example (“200 years hence”) very hard to imagine “evolving” only 200 years in the future, even with the 90s outlook on technology (since it seems they said these earlier examples at least are engineered species in the book).
I wouldn’t know about the hence part, but I always read it as “years from now”. A bit like the opposite from “years since”.
As for the other thing, it started out with deliberately engineered beings for specific tasks like the vacuumorph.
About a hundred years later the remaining people would create new humans with the specific goal of being able to survive the harsher environment of a ravaged earth. It was these that evolved further into different creatures.
It’s a pretty far fetched story either way, I just like it for the weird pictures :)
I posted a link in one of the other replies. You can read the whole thing there if you’re interested, there’s a timeline on page 20 if you just want a quick overview.
Kenshi mentioned!
“Countries where suicide is outlawed.pdf”
What the fuck, Bahamas? Life imprisonment?
Well, if they went for the death penalty it’d be obviously ironic.
Historically, I have a vague memory of knowing the fact that some places did actually do that, although I should check.
Germanic-sphere countries historically liked to kill people for stealing bread, so I guess it’s not too disproportional. You have to think the person going “yes please” would make the whole lynchmob atmosphere hard to keep going, though.
Do share if you find it, I’ve mostly turned up works by critics with a quick search.
Usually it’s a placeholder punishment so that the police can break in and stop you committing a crime
This feels pretty niche…
I have the working draft of this year’s List of Items for the Official University of Chicago Official Scavenger Hunt, the world’s largest -and probably weirdest- annual scavenger hunt.
That sounds fun!
I didn’t know they did this. Where can I learn more?
The graphics alone make this look worth reading
I have a key to tree identification in winter. It’s surprisingly useful
The Death report for Kurt Cobain. Mostly from morbid curiosity and a love for Nirvana. I don’t do that for everyone or anything like that. That’s the weirdest one. 😅
Let’s see, The CIA’s Simple Sabotage Field Manual, some paper on MKultra, some paper about The Hum, Some scientific paper on the longevity of recordable optical media, and a paper about crows.
Depends on your weird.
I write, so there’s a ton of stuff on decomposition, forensics, and related subject matter that are weird by some standards.
I’ve got stuff on niche mythology too, for the same reason. Along with that is stuff on modern paganism, syncretic religions, and related subjects. Again, weird by some standards.
But I tend to think the morbid stuff is what would catch most people by surprise.
I came in here to post about having a copy of Titus Burkhardt’s Alchemy tome and DKMU Assault On Reality but I think yours might take the cake instead, as well as possibly including both of those texts.
What’s a pdf that most surprised you?
Ahh, probably the one that gave visuals of bloat and skin slippage.
I’ve seen plenty of dead bodies (did some hospice work, ran across a suicide in the woods, and a few accidents), but I’d never seen that segment of decomp.
It’s both worse than I expected, and somehow not as bad.
Where do you usually find it at? I’m a horror writer and that sort of thing would be handy to have for my work.
It used to be Google scholar. It was pretty easy to find good stuff when I was digging into it. Not sure if it’s still a reliable place though
My mom’s death certificate. That’s weird.
RIP. This is up there with the arrest warrant