I’m sorry for ranting, but I need to let the steam off.
The amount of redditors defending Elon Musk is beyond pissing me off. This piece of shit literally sieg hailed and people are defending him like crazy, some going even to the length of saying it isn’t a nazi salute because the arm angle is wrong…
The thread that finally pissed me off to this point is this one in r/linux_gaming.
The sheer amount of libs that think there shouldn’t be politics in a fucking Linux subreddit is beyond baffling, and the amount of people just defending Musk just pisses me off to no end. At this point I’m done with that shit ass platform. I’ll delete my account after I bookmark some of the actual useful threads I saved over the years. FUCKING HELL.
A frequent issue i see with “apolitical” people is that in reality they reinforce the status quo (ruling political ideology) and they are hostile to any effort to try to circumvent it because it’s seen as political and they’re against any politics. It’s sort of a deadlock because they arent aware of just how political they are actually being by doing nothing.
Exactly. The people who spout “apolitical” all the time are just a part of the global elite.
It’s the rich that will tell the poor to stop being political and go find a job.
It’s the white people who will tell the black people to just stop doing crime instead of getting political.
It’s always your boss that says to keep politics out of the office, just show up on time and do your job.
The oppressor always tell the oppressed to stop getting political. Because getting “political” is the only way that you could potentially stop the oppression.
The same white liberal crowd that wanted mediation between Black Americans and the KKK. “Let’s just talk this out and find a middle ground guys”
Bro, just one more compromise with the fascists, bro. Bro, if we just compromise one more time, everything will be fine!
For many issues, I’ll sit it out of I don’t feel like I have enough knowledge to weigh in properly. I’ve increasingly started avoiding news for the sake of my mental health. There are many reasons to be unable to be involved with political matters.