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    9 days ago

    25.12.2024 - Christmas shave

    • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin handle w/ 26 mm Silksmoke Flattop/Fan hybrid knot
    • Razor: Leaf Thorn
    • Blade: Derby Premium half DE
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Candy Cane
    • Post-Shave: OAM - sensitive skin toner; moisturizer

    -> 1 pass on both head and face. Done before my late shift, so I just had to look passable.

    Candy Cane is the only Christmas seasonal I have (I was kinda debating about the Grinch themed one by HAGS, but it slipped my mind). The reason I even own it? Lather Games. And it probably saw it’s second and last use ever today. There’s not much chocolate sweetness, but kinda just sweet peppermint/spearmint gum with the inherit menthol freshness - which is kinda awful for a winter seasonal release! Thankfully it was still the good Stirling base we all know & love, so at least one positive.

    I’m kinda debating about narrowing the goatee down and going full Lenin-style but we’ll see. Might be a stupid idea.

    Last late shift of the year is done now; after one day off tomorrow, I have a final early shift. Apart from a few tiny incidents, my Xmas late shift today was a bit more relaxed than yesterday’s. Merry Crysis & Happy Holidays to whoever celebrates whatever shenanigans. Have a great time ✌🏻