Just say oh okay. And if you want to offer help, instead of offering me life advice as if being disabled means I’m somehow living my life wrong (when every single interaction with a new person is them offering life advice, it starts to feel like people assume that) just simply ask how you can help.
It’s really that simple, don’t judge, and don’t assume you know more about my illness than me.
How would you like people to respond? I’m sure a lot of people are well-meaning, but also just morons.
Me being disabled is not your “problem” to “fix”.
Just say oh okay. And if you want to offer help, instead of offering me life advice as if being disabled means I’m somehow living my life wrong (when every single interaction with a new person is them offering life advice, it starts to feel like people assume that) just simply ask how you can help.
It’s really that simple, don’t judge, and don’t assume you know more about my illness than me.