‘Risk’ analyses largely ignore the dangers of the climate crisis. Unless we wake up to them, they will soon outweigh all others

  • SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
    4 hours ago

    I mean…Russia stands to benefit the most from climate change. Followed by Canada.

    A few degrees centigrade and just about everything below the 40th parallel become unhabitable. That leaves the northern border states in the US. 350million of us gonna squeeze into Washington, Montana (fuck Idaho) N.Dakota Minnesota, NY, New Hampy, Verminion and Maine? IDK about that.

    For the first 20 years of my life I thought we would step up and have a plan to avoid the worst. That next 20 years I was waiting for real coordination to be heard over the politicking. The last few years I realized we do have a plan. And that plan is the exact one I thought was waaaay too barbaric for modern times but now I’m convinced it’s the only outcome we’ve planned for at all.

    And that’s to build the wall and drop a machine gun every 20ft. There’s ~200million people between us and South America and the army has way way more ammunition stored up than just that.

    So the choice of having the world’s rich humbled down to the common man and we all degrowth or slaughter 200million people, America has chosen blood.

    • thefartographer@lemm.ee
      28 minutes ago

      We’ll always choose blood

      I still don’t get why profits are so fucking important, but I’m sure that’ll someday get me thrown into the juicer