Capitalism only works on paper, it doesn’t take human nature into account
No, it doesn’t even work on paper. We don’t need to build two competing factories to see what is best. We invented science. Somebody can just make a graph. It’s that easy
The same is true of many implementations of communism. The problem isn’t the system, the problem is people, and people try to corrupt the system to their benefit.
How has what I said got anything to do with liberal ideology? If anything, the implication of what I said is that we need more authoritarianism, in order to stop people fucking around.
So… you’re a fascist?
Communism provides a solution to capitalism by being a more democratic system, both politically, and economically. Not by being more authoritarian.
No I’m asking how what I said had anything to do with liberal ideology. Can you stay on topic?
Most communist nations have not been very good when it comes to democracy. Not that they couldn’t be, but it obviously isn’t an inherent property.
Do you know what liberal means or do you think it just means Democrat?
Lmao, I literally read this exact same “argument” from a different user in a different thread five minutes ago.
You guys really need to come up with some new material.
Got a link? I’m interested who’s been ripping off my ideas.
Your idea? Its a core belief of liberalism. Maybe take it up with Rousseau?
I mean, in the the liberal west used violence to replace comunism with a right wing dictatorship. Yes.
However that isn’t really a flaw in comunist theory
Yes. Basically, any time someone tries to do something nice for everyone and introduce communism, some people or other come along and fuck it all up. Then they call their fucked up monstrosity “communism” to further damage the credibility of any meaningful progress.
Those people are the same people who fuck up capitalism and distort it for their benefit. Maybe it’s easier for them to do under capitalism, maybe that’s just what they’re used to and they don’t want to change, but if all you do is deal with capitalism as the problem then you’re still going to have a people problem with whatever comes next.
Those people who come along and fuck it up are capitalists.
Also the classic: “My enterprise is falling apart, please give me public funds so I can continue to rip people off (don’t worry, I’ll still claim it’s all pure market forces at work)”
Competition even in theory:
I won the competition, now buy my linen at 10x its value. Btw it costs 1,000 years of the average salary to start up a competing business, good luck lol
That’s what we call economies of scale in modern parlance. :)
“Competition is good because it leads to cheaper prices for consumers”, doesn’t really work since it neglects the union of the state and monopolies to artificially charge higher prices for items of the same - even worse quality; while hindering competition that has the potential to change the status quo.
I mean—the US is trying to prevent the world from cooperating with China, Russia and other major economies because they know that they are incapable of competing due to their decades-long crusade of neoliberalism. Another example is the fossil fuel industry stalling for time against the wave of the renewable energy era; or the automobile industry lobbying against efficient public transportation.
The point is that the major neoliberal powers don’t want competition to exist; they just want rent-seeking sectors that can earn them a treasure trove of money as fast as possible.
or the oil industry teaming up with the US government to kill off electric transportation 60+ years ago and prior to that killing off rail transportation
No one believes me when i mention that electric cars used to be a thing >100 years ago.
Yeah but they were filled with their own contemporary brain worms. Like being presented as more feminine, while greasy… Oily… Rough…
Excuse me. While the dirty~ mechanical cars were marketed as the prime expression of manliness. I guess these brainworms could be even found nowadays.
As with all ideas in theory, capitalism doesn’t sound terrible. But when the competition is done improving and they’ve got their audience/loyalists, it’s a race to the bottom and the only “losers” are the ones who step just a bit too far… and then they try it again in a few years and it works. Just look at micro transactions
Marx analysed the underlying mechanisms of capitalism thoroughly, and even in theory it’s terrible. The only thing it’s good at, as he noted, is being efficient at production.
I don’t want to go out on a limb and say every serf and craftsman under feudalism would have refused capitalism if you’d told them what it was going to do to them, but the fact that there was primitive accumulation in the form of the enclosure act in the UK and similar acts in Europe shows that capitalism was far from being accepted by the people.
I think it’s more the “good side” of capitalism is appealing and is why people swear by it. The idea that working hard means you too can live “the American Dream” even though that dream was thoroughly claimed hundreds of years ago and now only the truly lucky get in. You don’t even necessarily have to work hard to do it, just be unreasonably lucky lol
The idea that working hard means you too can live “the American Dream”
at the expense of the genocided natives and on the back of slaves. there isn’t and never was an American Dream that was possible except through the brutal exploitation of human beings.