• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I didn’t say he would. Trump is a fuckwit but Americans put him where he is today. I know you like to blame Putin for all America’s problems and yes, he is a piece of shit and I’m sure he’d love to have the influence you all ascribe to him. But it is American media and American politicians that gives hate and bullshit a platform.

    Harris is an establishment democrat, nothing will change in Gaza or Ukraine and she will continue to provoke wars and destabilisations efforts in places that won’t bend over for 'murica’s geopolitical ambitions.

    So in a couple of months Americans, who between them have some great minds and incredible talent, get to choose between a bunch of war hawks and a gibbering idiot.

    So go on, down vote me. It will make you feel better but it won’t change anything.

  • What accountability will there be when we keep supplying the weapons against our own laws?"

    Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, said in response to Biden’s remarks that “if you are an American, your president not only provides Israel with the bullets that Israel uses to kill you.”

    “Not only does he not object after Israel has killed you,” he continued. “Much worse, he even comes up with insulting excuses to exonerate Israel for murdering you.”

    Will Kamala Harris be the change you want to see? I have my doubts

  • Wherever the U.S. government has restricted access to the dollar financial system—Iran, Venezuela, Russia—tether thrives as a sort of incognito dollar used to move money across borders.

    Russian oligarchs and weapons dealers shuttle tether abroad to buy property and pay suppliers for sanctioned goods. Venezuela’s sanctioned state oil firm takes payment in tether for cargoes. Drug cartels, fraud rings and terrorist groups such as Hamas use it to launder income.

    Whenever the US starts pointing fingers you know damn well they are doing exactly the same thing.

  • You do realise that Taipei’s territorial claims are exactly the same as those of Beijing. I know the western media never bother to mention it because it doesn’t align with the approved narrative but Taiwan claims the very same nine dash line as China.

    To this day, Taiwan remains firm in its claims to the South China Sea. They have been historically justified on the basis that, as there was no United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in existence in 1947, it was legitimate for the ROC to claim the South China Sea territories and waters based on the historical connections of these with China. According to the Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR), a Taiwanese think tank, there was no legal impediment to the claim in 1947 and, for a long period, there were no challenges to the ROC’s claims from other countries.[4] They were largely ignored – except by the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which concurred with them.
