• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The only real downside on the open source side is that the fix is also public, and thus the recipe how to exploit the backdoor.

    If there’s a massive CVE on a closed source system, you get a super high-level description of the issue and that’s it.

    If there’s one on an open source system, you get ready-made “proof of concepts” on github that any script kiddy can exploit.

    And since not every software can be updated instantly, you are left with millions of vulnerable servers/PCs and a lot of happy script kiddies.

    See, for example, Log4Shell.

  • You want some stern words?

    You are a useless peace of dead weight in this community. Your comments suck and you have no idea how people work and how to professionally communicate. I hope you never have a job, let alone one in a management role. You should leave and never come back. Get aborted retroactively! You make the world a worse place by your mere existance!

    How do you feel about that? Are you going to change your behavior because of these “stern words”? Or are you going to think “What an idiot” and ignore everything I said?

    And we both are just anonymous randos on the internet and while this comment is public, not a lot of people are going to read it and it will have zero impact to either of our lives.

    Now imagine I was your boss, both of us are publically known people and I post this on the company social media account together with your full name.

    And people still dig this up 10 years later to laugh at it.

    Please reconsider your interpersonal behaviour.

  • Yeah, all of the keyboard phones on the market are ancient and/or total crap in every regard but their keyboard and/or super expensive. Some of them are all three at the same time (looking at you Planet Computers and F(x)tec!).

    I believe I might have the most up-to-date and highest specced keyboard phone currently on the planet ;)

    there is 100% a niche market.

    There totally is, as is proven by Unihertz still existing. But I fear, the keyboard market is a little fragmented, and just a handful of devices won’t really capture it. People like side sliders, top sliders or portrait candy bar,. They might want a large or a small phone. They might like privacy/secure phones or hacker phones, or just cheap phones with a keyboard and nothing else. Or maybe a flagship phone with all bells and whistles and a keyboard…

    The Fairberry is adaptable to pretty much any phone on the market (as long as it supports external keyboards). Foldables might be challenging though ;)

    But that allows you to use any phone you like with a keyboard that anyone can make for ~€50, or maybe €100 if you get someone to do the soldering/printing for you.

  • I get 55 WPM without errors on the physical keyboard, compared to 45 WPM on the touch keyboard where I also have a significant amount of typos.

    But tbh, typing speed is not the main reason. With the physical keyboard, I am much more accurate. I can use key combinations like CTRL+A/X/C/V (the microphone button is mapped to CTRL). There is an alternate mode (activated by pressing both shift keys at the same time) that remaps WASD as cursor keys, which makes e.g. selecting text (SHIFT + Cursor key) much easier. Also I can type while walking and not looking at the phone. And don’t get me started about how much of a difference it is when I use a command line, e.g. with SSH.

  • On a similar note, sometime a year ago I spotted a guy using a Q10 at a shopping center in LA. Had a quick chat which was fun.

    As someone who is on the other side of that conversation a lot, I do appreciate it whenever someone asks me about that weird thing I have in my hands ;)

    I got this a lot more when I had it in copper/wood (top part was wood filament, bottom part copper filament), but I only have these colors in PLA, which is not durable at all. So I switched to the plain-black PETG and now people don’t notice it any more. I’m considering reprinting it in transparent PETG.

  • The hybrid physical/virtual is a great touch

    The original reason for this was that I didn’t want to spend all that time getting pass-through charging to work, so for charging the keyboard needs to come off.

    But this “quick release” design has the advantage that you can use the phone without keyboard when that’s advantageous, e.g. when I want to type really quietly while in bed.

    This also gives me a direct comparison between physical and virtual keyboard, that you usually don’t get on a pure keyboard phone. And I have to say, typing on the screen is a PAIN compared to the physical keyboard.

    and the ability to customize what’s in those top two rows would be amazing.

    For the two virtual rows? Yeah, I’m using the Gr8ly customizable keyboard for that (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=symbolsshortcuts2.gr8ly.co.za.symbolshortcuts2) which allows me to put whatever symbols I want on there.

    So cool what you can do with modular open design!
