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Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I can’t tell if the author really liked to repeat themselves and expound on the same points until a reader has no interest in continuing any longer, or if the author used AI to pen the bulk of this, but it’s an awful read.

    I also can’t believe they didn’t touch on the whole “once we send something into the sun, we can’t ever use that resource again” thing. I think that’s a bigger issue than the 10k words used to say it’s expensive and complicated to launch shit off the planet and we’ll probably rain our trash back down upon ourselves.

    Unless we can find a way to economically and reliably strip cosmic entities beyond earth of their resources like interstellar robber barons, I think we should try to keep as much of our shit here as we can.

  • What I recognized as “brain shocks” when I was taking generic escitalipram (Lexapro) would be a feeling sort of like a short circuit in my brain for a quick flash of a moment. Like another commenter said, quick movements of my eyes or head could cause it. It was quick, and non lingering, but could happen frequently. Just a little bzzt! In the brain with a little visual stutter. It didn’t hurt but it was disconcerting until I realized it was normal when missing or cutting down doses. Sounds like it can happen for some people on the normal dose but that wasn’t an issue for me.

  • I’ll start by saying I agree with all your points. And I wasn’t able to find info about the median height, but the average height of American men is actually 5’9. Which including women would bring it down quite a bit. That said, as a 5’7 shorty, I hate the small space in seats. Based on your post I’m guessing your height is around 6’2" (I must know if I’m close!), so you truly have my sympathy sitting in those sardine can aluminum tubes.

  • It’s easy to believe you’re invincible in your twenties. Or “later me can deal with it.”. As that later version of me, I’m not a huge fan of that earlier version in a lot of ways. It’s fine, I’m who I am for what I went through, and I’m righting the ship. But the more cans you kick down the road, the more you have to deal with later and the harder they are to deal with. Physically, mentally, financially. It’s ok to try to live life freely, but definitely be aware of this and consider kicking one less can every chance you get.