• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Depends on where you say it but my most polarized take was: investment based on interest (usury) is just a legalized form of fraud.

    You can always make the argument that charging money on money is literally how much of the global economy functions, but from a purely ethical perspective, it has the same if not worse effect of how a landlord rents land.

    Yeah it can work, but often times it just goes unregulated and becomes a form of abuse designed to milk you dry.

    Everything relating to loans these days is backed by some mega bank, which is in cahoots with every other bank, which also runs the federal reserve in the USA, so they basically have overwhelming control of the economy, which happens to be built on trillions of dollars of debt servicing (35t for the government).

    The 2008 market crash was a result of fraud at basically every level of the economy from a single person all the way to the board members of banks like BofA, Chase, etc and even the SEC. Realtors were selling faulty and risky adjustable rate mortgages, which were then being packaged into mortgage backed securities (MBS), which were then being misreported as AAA value by every rating agency who were also in cahoots with every bank, which were then being packed into huge collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) which they themselves were being repackaged into even bigger CDOs and synthetic CDOs which every bank was basically gambling money on.

    All it took was for the faulty mortages to start to fail past only something like 8%, and every thing backing that (MBS, CDOs) collapsed and lost value.

    Except because about the only people who were trading these massive gambling pools were banks, so they lied about the value of the assets (particularly the MBSs via aformentioned ratings agencies) which they sold and then promptly shorted to protect themselves from the problem they created.

    Sharing this sentiment will basically get you laughed out of the room from any finance program because so much of the economy is fundamentally based around interest, ie the cost of borrowing money. Even genuinely safe options like credit unions still have interest, albeit at much much lower rates that are much more practical.

    But to me, it will always seem like a form of fraud.

    In case your wondering, the reason its polarizing is because there is a significant portion of people that actually do believe the above, notably a lot of Islamic countries. They have lots of banks that do not engage in interest based transactions, which is interesting but often seems to lack any research about it compared to a typical system.

    The global market also doesn’t take them too seriously because most of those countries (controversially) also have regular banks too, that also just so happened to be involved with schemes that caused economic turmoil, especially countries that take IMF loans. Most of them have shot themselves in the foot already and have nothing much to stand on now.

  • Actually, the fake vaccine initiative had several sources say it wasn’t successful in proving OBL’s final location.

    By that point, they had found his suspicious compound anyway but needed some sort of confirmation that OBL was really there.

    Regardless, now a substantial amount of people refuse to take vaccines after they learned the hep b drive was actually a CIA operation.

    Which is really stupid because Pakistan was formerly the last country that still had polio cases and it took them another decade before they finally started to reduce it. iirc they were just recently surpassed by Gaza.

  • I think people are mad that they keep nuking trade and trying to ramp up military involvement for a double solvable issue that would repair both the economy at home and negate a trade war with China.

    Except that invovles proper market regulation and not slapping tariffs to protect monopoly profits.

    Probably just hit a nerve with people that China’s usual tactics of slamming boats is suddenly worthy of America getting invovled just because a news crew was onboard, but 10 months of actual warzone genocide reporting in Israel means nothing to the government.

    Either that or there’s just a bunch of pissed off tankies lmao.

  • 768 votes wth is wrong with Americans bruh


    If you can create a successful grassroots political party in an environment where your party members and constituents are constantly attacked, murdered, bombed, jailed, tortured, votes faked, votes destroyed, and vote miscounts, you can definitely pull it off in the USA.

    It took Pakistan only 20 years to cause a collapse of their corrupt 2 party system and challenge the military dictatorship. People never believed PTI would mount any sort of challenge, but they did by building a solid populist movement, despite facing all of the above.

    The “you must vote the lesser evil” is a fallacy that both parties in the USA perpetuate in an attempt to convince you to believe 3rd party voting is a waste of time.

    You can’t just sit back and complain about the rigged system like “but muh first past the poll voting” as if either Democrats or Republicans will change the system in any way to make it easier for their rivals.

    This is exactly why I dislike the Democratic party in particular so much. They are a corporate monolith that pretends to care about your leftist demands by handing out pennies worth of change to get your vote, then the second they refuse to actually significantly change something you demand, they have the audacity to blame you, the voter, for not sucking up to their shitty policies when they inevitably lose the election.

    Current case in point: "There is no genocide in Gaza, and we believe we can win without our constituents because our opponent is a mentally insane baby ".

    Shittiest take on this community by far.

  • I’d say about 99% is the same.

    Two notable things that were different were:

    • Podman config file is different which I needed to edit where containers are stored since I have a dedicated location I want to use
    • The preferred method for running Nvidia GPUs in containers is CDI, which imo is much more concise than Docker’s Nvidia GPU device setup.

    The second one is also documented on the CUDA Container Toolkit site, and very easy to edit a compose file to use CDI instead.

    There’s also some small differences here and there like podman asking for a preferred remote source instead of defaulting to dockerhub.