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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Oh man somebody better tell Hamas that after 70 years of collectively turning the other cheek the global community is finally going to give a shit about Palestine. All they have to do is just turn over the hostages with no assurance whatsoever that the bombing campaign or larger apartheid is going to end.

    Of course they’re just idiots who don’t understand politics though so what do they know. Let’s all laugh at them as their homes and families and everything they know is destroyed by a reactionary, hostile force that has been looking for excuses to annihilate their entire ancestry, basically since its founding, for existing as Arabs on land that some asshole in England said belongs to Jews as a treat for surviving the holocaust rather than make the serious reforms to western society that would be required to ensure that Jewish people wouldn’t need the same type of ethnostate that Hitler was going for just to have self-determination and avoid persecution.

  • Yes, I’ve been through several cheap ones now and I finally shelled out for a PetLibro one that knocks the others out of the water entirely. Highly recommend. Encourages my cat to drink and runs much more cleanly and quietly than the others. Plus there’s no slimy pump cable dangling around and being generally annoying when I go to add water or clean it.

    I’m partial to this company as I got their auto feeder a while back and that had also been pretty solid. So now they match 😸 I’m sure there’s other good ones out there though.

    Issue with the cheap ones is the filter systems tend to be poorly thought out so all sorts of junk gets past them. Also, if any light shines into the tank it’s impossible to keep up with algae growth without dumping the entire tank every other day. Which wastes water and defeats the purpose of the tank.

  • Side note - even in an apartment (a large complex that is mostly parking lot and big patches of barren lawn) the lawncare guys that come through several times a week starting at 8am drive me up a fucking wall. I can’t fucking stand lawns dude. Give me patches of unmoderated and peaceful nature over that shit any day. Density and nature do not have to be mutually exclusive.

  • Speak of the devil…

    I know what a 3 dimensional axis looks like. Trying to make my cram my hand into a poor approximation of one does not help me personally understand fields.

    I don’t know how I should be the one to come up with a better shorthand if I’m the one being taught and not understanding.

  • What news from England and Germany? The k thing (pronouncing the H in Hamas with a harsh hissing sound common in both Hebrew and Arabic but completely absent in English and other western languages) has been around at least since Oct. 7, probably much longer before that. It’s a dog whistle. At best, it’s in the spirit of mocking their language.