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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I see what they’re doing. You know how in the real world the billionaires make the rules and can flex their power? So can bigger youtube stars. This can lead to youtube losing out a bit in negotiations just like the government will sometimes fuck its people over because some rich twat gets a bug up their ass and tosses some cash around. But what if those bigger youtube stars had less share of the market? Hype likely won’t cost youtube itself viewers, but it could shift viewers around redistributing them to less known channels. Now the bigger stars are a little less big and bring a little less to the negotiating table.

  • It’s not that they don’t have places to go. It’s moreso whatever causes them to move likely causes other animals to need to move. It might take a generation or two to settle into a new dynamic between avoiding predators that are also adjusting and finding food and water.

    However that doesn’t have a major impact on populations. What can have a major impact is being over/under hunted. There needs to be a balance between those extremes. If wolves aren’t culled they will hunt the deer population too thin. That heavy predation can lead to population boons of wolves that subsequently suffer due to scarcity of food. This leads to wolves encroaching on human areas and possibly posing a threat. On the other side, if deer have no predators they begin to overpopulate and can also encroach on human areas causing their own issues. With deer, hunting helps keep that population in check. Currently there’s nothing keeping the wolf population in check. As others mentioned, the endangered species act was to protect actual endangered species. The goal is to aid the recovery of the population. That’s been done. If they continue to receive protection, they’ll start causing other problems that will need to be dealt with.

  • Beyond that, I’m sure it’s embarrassing as hell once they realize they were so thoroughly hoodwinked. No one wants to go back to the groups or boards or forums and say “it didn’t work”. They’re likely to get drowned out by the idiots trying to find any fault in their approach (did you thumbprint in red ink over your wet signature at a 45 angle?).