• 40 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Don’t be coy. You know very well I’m speaking about the US SWP. Here is a quote from an April 29 article in The Militant:

    The greatest danger to Jews and all the oppressed in the region and worldwide is the call for a ceasefire before Hamas has been defeated and its leadership and command structures demolished.

    I ask again, do you support an immediate ceasefire? If so how does that square with your ongoing support and promotion of an organisation, the US SWP, that is opposed to an immediate ceasefire?

    The question is not whether you support ‘peace in the Middle East’ or whether an organisation whose articles you share and whose election campaign you promote supposedly supports ‘peace in the Middle East’ so please try answering the question posed above directly.

  • I would try a few Plasma based tiling scripts before switching to anything like Sway or i3. You’ll get a good idea of whether it’s for you. Later on if you find you need more control over the tiling you could switch to a dedicated tiling window manager.

    I’m using Karousel in Plasma which is scrollable tiling. You can install and enable it like so:

    Go to System Settings > Apps & Windows > Window Management > KWin Scripts > select Get New… > In search enter Karousel and wait for it to show up > select Install > select the latest version (as of now karousel-0-9-4.tar.gz).

    There is a companion desktop effect that also needs to be installed like so:

    Go to System Settings > Apps & Windows > Window Management > Desktop Effects > select Get New… > enter Geometry Change in search > select Install > select the latest version (as of now kwin4-effect-geometry-change-1.3.tar.gz).

    Karousel and Geometry Change have configuration options and Karousel also has keyboard shortcuts (view here) which you may need to update to your liking. I don’t have a need to configure anything in Geometry Change as the default animation settings are fine. For Karousel I tend to adjust the various spacing and gaps options along with making sure the shortcuts I want are configured. That link above has a short video of what Karousel looks like in action.

  • In one of his videos, Daniil (not the interviewer in this video but the interviewer who started this channel) spoke about how it was getting harder to find people who wanted to speak on camera and even when they did find someone they would often get in touch to ask about taking the video down. The inference was they probably got a visit or call from local police or some other pressure to not be on camera.

    In comparison to some of Daniil’s later videos filled with folks repeating Russian media talking point (another reason Daniil gave up on street interviews) this video seems quite refreshing. Hope they are able to continue making more.