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Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2025


  • That’s exactly it. Our biases and community instincts (for lack of a better word) can’t keep up with the firehose of information and direct communication with so many people and from so many sources.

    In the past, small societies sort of kept things in check. You knew the people around you and everyone sort of found a common ground to share. Like when I was a kid in the countryside, I made friends with the other kids on our road because of proximity, not because we had tons in common. But we became friends despite being different and gained new experiences and built common ground through that. We learned to compromise and solve differences or issues.

    Today you can find community anywhere online, so you’re less likely to have your “rough edges” smoothed out a bit.

    Not that life in small societies is perfect, Svante described the Jantelov for a good reason, some small villages communities can get very insular, xenophobic and oppressive of anyone slightly off from the standard mold.

    But I do think our range and speed of communication has outpaced our instincts and reference frames.

  • Tøj bliver desværre også ramt af lortificering. I gamle dage var Levi’s jeans stærke og holdt i årevis, men i dag er de ikke meget bedre end discount-jeans fra Bilka, selvom de koster 8-900 kroner eller mere.

    Det bliver sværere og sværere at finde noget der er lavet til at holde. Som mand kan man trods alt slippe afsted med arbejdstøj fra Kansas, Mascot, Blåkläder osv., bare man vælger de mere diskrete modeller der ikke skriger “håndværker”.

    Som de her Blåkläder, 100% bomuld og hvis man vil tager det en halv times tid med en opsprætter at pille lårlommerne forsigtigt af: https://www.blaklader.dk/da/produkt/14001370-service-buks

    Virkelig kraftig kvalitet der holder i mange år når de bare skal bruges almindelig og ikke som håndværkertøj. Ulempen er så at de er syet i østen, men Blåkläder hævder at der er gode forhold på de fabrikker de bruger.

    Og så er jeg også blevet glad for herretøjsmærker som Meyer, Sunwill, Brax, mærker der primært laver “klassisk” herretøj (fra jakkesæt til jeans) og ikke bruger kæmpe budgetter på marketing. Et par gode chinos holder bedre end man skulle tro, ofte bedre end moderne denim.

  • krydret_ismaskine@feddit.dktoCurated Tumblr@sh.itjust.worksFabric softener is a scam
    10 days ago

    Ordinary white vinegar is good for a lot of things, but it’s too dilute to use as a fabric softener or limescale prevention.

    I’ve used acetic acid (32%) for decades, 30ml or so per wash. It’s even listed right on the bottle that it works as a fabric softener, keeps colors from fading and prevents limescale buildup.

    And it goes in the fabric softener compartment of course, if you mix it with the detergent the acidity will reduce its washing power(detergent is alkaline).