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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • kitnaht@lemmy.worldtoOff My Chest@lemmy.worldI miss my hearing. I miss music.
    11 hours ago

    I have helped find solutions for a handful of people’s medical issues over the years.

    I’ve found doctors often don’t care to do this research themselves. You too can help; as someone who cares about this stuff often times a patient’s best hope is usually a family-member who is diligent in asking questions and educating themselves further.

    So piss off, internet armchair expert. Doctors aren’t infallable as you may think; and I’ve known plenty to simply don’t give 2 shits and do not look further into stuff such as this.

  • change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through counseling.

    I mean, has anyone ever thought that this could also be used in the reverse way?

    I know everyone is like “yaaaay they’re doing something good!” - but every time I see this, I think to myself that someone – somewhere – is going to sue a doctor or therapist over allowing some kid to transition. Because technically, hormones are a ‘therapy’, to help ‘convert’ someone to the other gender.

  • kitnaht@lemmy.worldtoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksChaos!
    2 days ago

    We should have walkable neighborhoods, mass transit of gleaming efficiency, bike lanes as priority, we should be encouraging socializing and creating spaces for people to gather that aren’t profit-driven, but with plans to create comfort and recreation to better the people and foster a sense of belonging to a community.

    Not everyone wants to be packed like sardines. That’s the beauty of individualism. You might think this sounds like some sort of utopia, but to me this sounds like hell.

  • But I’m not seeing them hurt! Neither are you! You’re seeing news reports and things that are spun to make you feel bad. You aren’t over there right now witnessing it with your very eyes.

    I bet you’ve never even witnessed real combat death or even so much as a violent car collision.

    So again - stop, fucking, putting, words, into, my, mouth.

    I find no enjoyment in hurting other people - which is why it doesn’t bother me; Because I’m not doing it!

    Is not the same as

    I don’t enjoy hurting people but also don’t care when I see them hurt

    It’s simply not. You’re adding the seeing part to the equation. Learn to read. Learn to understand.

    I don’t fucking watch TV. I don’t ingest tiktok, or facebook, or fox, or cnn, or msnbc, or instagram, or much social media at all. I don’t see it. I don’t care about it. It doesn’t show in my feeds. It doesn’t affect my life.

    And you know what? The same goes for you. There’s a million atrocities going on in the world right now; you’re ignorant to 99.9999% of them. And you don’t want to know about them. Because you’d be so overloaded your head would spin.

    The difference between me and you, is that I know that I don’t know about them, and I prefer it that way. I don’t need to fight for every single cause that passes in front of me.

  • Most humans cannot enjoy food if they were watching someone starving to death in front of them, let alone knowing that person is dying and they could feed them to save their lives.

    Yeah, same for me. But that’s NOT what’s happening, and you’ve let your hyper-altruism cloud your judgement. Nothing I do changes anything that happens over there. So why worry about it? Why upend MY life, and put MY life in danger for it? Normal people don’t do that. You’re a bleeding heart - most people don’t care. That’s just normal humanity.

    And again - with the rape argument…what in living fuck? You think I consider myself responsible for what my government does? HELL fuck no I don’t. You have absolutely no effect on their decisions, so why do you think you do? You’ve used Hyperbole to make your argument seem stronger than it is.

    It’s simple. Americans have a good life. There’s no reason for them to leave their good life, to go fight for a people who have nothing to do with them.

    Again - bleeding heart. You’re so concerned about shit that has nothing to do with your day-to-day life. Shit is far too stressful for me to deal with, I’m busy enough trying to keep my head above water for some middle class gated community bleeding heart to tell me I should feel bad for something I – Have no part of, Have no effect on, cannot change, and that doesn’t affect my life whatsoever.

    I find no enjoyment in hurting other people - which is why it doesn’t bother me; Because I’m not doing it! Humanity are a bunch of violent apes, and there is not enough time in anybodies singular life to concern themselves with every fucking atrocity being committed. I’ll be more concerned with helping the homeless in my own country, than shit going on half way across the world because a country allowed a terrorist organization to run rampant.

    Maybe Hamas shouldn’t have attacked Israel? – why aren’t you talking about THOSE lives lost? Why aren’t you concerned with the lives THEY have taken? Probably because you’ve been taken by Iran’s online psyop.