That hurricane machine must not be working too well…
That hurricane machine must not be working too well…
Aware, yes. Interested, no - closed source philosophy, and the way Apple implements it specifically, turn me off hard.
Looks awesome!
Near the top of the ReadMe, it says “desktop and mobile devices” - what’s mobile support like? Is there an app…?
Ah, und die Antwort ist wohl: Keine Droge, dicke Kleidung.
Soweit ich das auf Anhieb nachvollziehen kann, scheint das hauptsächlich ein Problem von “Taser trifft das Ziel nicht ‘richtig genug’” zu sein. Ganz anderer Mechanismus, aber am Ende der Eskelation die gleiche Shituation. Hab’ jetzt auf Anhieb nur was von grob 60% Erfolgsquote/40% Versager bei Taser-Einsätzen gefunden, das ist… um Größenordnungen schlechter, als ich gedacht hätte.
Pfefferspray - OK, kann ich nachvollziehen. Taser - welche Drogen muss ich nehmen, daß der mich nicht mehr beeindruckt, äh, “stoppt”?
I found it kinda weird that the page this link opens on makes it look kinda like a closed source freemium thing, and (on mobile) I had to dig a fair bit to see that it’s actually FOSS and an official part of the KDE project.
I run KDE as my daily driver, and hadn’t heard of Krita before; so yeah, I guess it could use a bit more exposure.
Which - in my considered opinion - makes them so much worse.
Is it because writing native UI on all current systems I’m aware of is still worse than in the times of NeXTStep with Interface Builder, Objective C, and their class libraries?
And/or is it because it allows (perceived) lower-cost “web developers” to be tasked with “native” client UI?
Kinda disappointed in The Register of all things adopting this faux personal life story reporting style on such a matter.
I feel most of this is a slippery slope / negative sum spiral.
See e.g. Liv Boeree’s video on beauty filters.
The idea that Republicans might be willing to “jump through more hoops” would certainly align with Lakoff’s ideas (from 2004, mind):