• 165 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • When my son was a toddler, he went down a slide feet first but on his stomach. I had a complete brain fart and forgot to catch him at the bottom of the slide like I had always done in the past. He few about 3 feet, then landed on the ground on his stomach, his head whipped back and then slammed face first into the ground.

    I remember thinking at the time, Jesus Christ, I would be DEAD if that happened to me. But yeah, he cried a little bit and walked it off.

  • Yeah I had a Facebook friend say “This will be unpopular, but I disagree with the two tax breaks being proposed by both candidates.”

    It had me scratching my head. I’ve yet to hear Trump propose an actual policy about tax breaks. I heard him ramble about shit and then the media sane-washes it into a policy.

    For example, not too long ago Trump said to some CEOs that he’d like to get the corporate tax rate to 20% because it sounded like a “nice, round number”. That is an absolutely insane way to set a tax rate.

    But the media took it and ran with it and you saw headlines all over the place about Trump’s super serious tax policy. Saying “20% sounds nice” isn’t a fucking policy!! There was no thought or planning to see the impact of such a rate. Just “yeah that sounds nice”. Fuck this guy and people that cover up for his ramblings.

  • I’m glad they’re doing it. This sane-washing shit drives me crazy. You constantly see headlines saying things like “Trump proposes new policy making guaranteeing sunshine and rainbows for everyone” when in reality, a Trump supporter asked him about lowering food prices and he went in a 15 minute rant that included him saying “and I am the best at sunshine, the sunshine loves me… and don’t even get me started at the rainbows… my communist opponent hates rainbows but not me, the rainbows said ‘sir, you are the best at sunshine and rainbows, more than anyone has ever seen’.”