• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Despite Soatak explicitely warning users that posting his latest rant[1] to the more popular tech aggregators would lead to loss of karma and/or public ridicule, someone did just that on lobsters and provoked this mask-slippage[2]. (comment is in three paras, which I will subcomment on below)

    Obligatory note that, speaking as a rationalist-tribe member, to a first approximation nobody in the community is actually interested in the Basilisk and hasn’t been for at least a decade. As far as I can tell, it’s a meme that is exclusively kept alive by our detractors.

    This is the Rationalist version of the village worthy complaining that everyone keeps bringing up that one time he fucked a goat.

    Also, “this sure looks like a religion to me” can be - and is - argued about any human social activity. I’m quite happy to see rationality in the company of, say, feminism and climate change.

    Sure, “religion” is on a sliding scale, but Big Yud-flavored Rationality ticks more of the boxes on the “Religion or not” checklist than feminism or climate change. In fact, treating the latter as a religion is often a way to denigrate them, and never used in good faith.

    Finally, of course, it is very much not just rationalists who believe that AI represents an existential risk. We just got there twenty years early.

    Citation very much needed, bub.

    [1] https://soatok.blog/2024/09/18/the-continued-trajectory-of-idiocy-in-the-tech-industry/

    [2] link and username witheld to protect the guilty. Suffice to say that They Are On My List.