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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I guess I’ll keep the trolling going then, because I’ve been switched to plant milk for a couple years—mostly oat, but I’ll mix in some soy for protein, or coconut because yum. I don’t drink it straight, it’s mostly for cereal. I usually have a regular and a vanilla because each is good with different cereals. If you want the closest to “real” milk, about 80% (regular) oat and 20% coconut I think is pretty close. Silk makes what they call “One” milk that’s pretty much that, but I like to experiment with the ratio myself. 😄

    Regular milk tastes… weird now. Slightly acidic almost? I can also feel that my gut doesn’t like trying to digest it. (Almost like milk is supposed to be for infants, who’d’ve thunk? 😅)

    Almond milk though… BLECK. I can’t stand it. Often watery, acidy, weird aftertaste, just like you said.

  • Except in very rare configurations (i.e. not 99.9% of residential), you do not want to have multiple paths to ground within a system. All grounds should go to the tied ground/neutral bus in the main breaker panel, which then goes to earth via a ground rod or a clamp to a copper gas/water line, etc. Otherwise you can have current flowing in ways that the system isn’t designed for, which at the least can trip breakers and GFCIs, and at worst exceed the rating of the wires in a short condition and cause a fire.

  • Except in very rare configurations (i.e. not 99.9% of residential), you do not want to have multiple paths to ground within a system. All grounds should go to the tied ground/neutral bus in the main breaker panel, which then goes to earth via a ground rod or a clamp to a copper gas/water line, etc. Otherwise you can have current flowing in ways that the system isn’t designed for, which at the least can trip breakers and GFCIs, and at worst exceed the rating of the wires in a short condition and cause a fire.