And the irony that the BBC is reporting about it … (͡•_ ͡• )
And the irony that the BBC is reporting about it … (͡•_ ͡• )
Cars … (͡•_ ͡• )
Since my iGPU and dGPU have more or less the same power, for me it made no difference which one I kept for gaming.
p.s. I game inside my VM, which gets the RX570 passed through to.
I have the same processor and an RX570. I can pass through the dGPU to the VMs and keep the iGPU for the host, but the reverse was not possible for me.
Does the motherboard matter for this? Mine is not so fancy.
Und genau deswegen ist Electron da. Für Developer Experience. Und nicht fur User Experience.
Valve Index works fine under Linux.
After almost 12~15 years of programming in C and C++, I would give myself a solid “still don’t know enough” out of 10.
I recently got bitten by exactly that std::optional
UB and here I was thinking 🤔 after 12+ years in the industry starting all the way back in the day with C++03 that modern C++ was supposed to make things better.😐
You forgot that beauty - “undefined behavior”!
Memory-safety can guarantee only so much safety! C++ can still blow up in your face, even with all the alleged memory-safety built into C++, thanks to all the UB traps in C and C++.
Rust is the closest language that has no such “gotchas”.
Meh, I never need more than 2G usually and that too only when Firefox is running.
„Embrace, extend, extinguish."
~ Microsoft since 1995!
The Windows XP and Windows 7 I have are also from my university, from a long long time ago.😃
I have probably a couple of more Linux/BSD VMs than here (with some with GPU passthrough and one or two for ARM crossbuilding and so on) but only 2 Windows VMs - the only 2 I have legitimate licenses for.
But am I normal? Most would disagree. 😅
So now what will I run on my one plus one? ಥ_ಥ
I dunno how the guy managed this for 10 years for so many devices. I can’t even build my own ROM for just this phone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯