How come copyright owners are not legally required to distribute their work?
Copyright is supposedly a deal society strikes with creatives: They create art for society and in return the law ensures that they profit off of their original works. If they no longer uphold their end of the bargain how come the rest of us should still uphold their copyright? If they no longer make their works available their copyright should be forfeit automatically.
Any idea why they apparently reversed the orientation of all characters between 500 BC and 1 AD?
Either that, or, you know, they could have witty, thoughtfully handcrafted ingame ads adding to the atmosphere, parodying the real world.
Guys, I think I’ve got it… What if we built another lane but, you know, under the ground, like a tunnel.
At this point I think Elon might know more about management than anyone currently alive on Earth!
It must have come as a real shock to the Israelis to learn that someone in the state department knows what international law is.
On a serious note, the problem with wind turbines is not the total number of birds they strike but the species. Larger birds of prey seem particularly susceptible. Tough this risk can be easily mitigated by not placing the wind turbines directly in their primary habitat or migration paths.
Ziemlich sicher, dass diese last-minute Blockade des Verbrennerverbots in Brüssel und die unsinnige E-Fuel Debatte auch auf Lindners Mist gewachsen ist.
Wissing hatte anfangs sehr klar die Auffassung vertreten, dass E-Fuels für Pkw bis auf weiteres unrentabel seien und die Zukunft wohl elektrisch betriebenen Fahrzeugen gehöre. Später hat er zwar auch unkonkret von “Technologieoffenheit” gesprochen, aber sich in dieser Debatte auffällig zurückgehalten. Die “bald tanken wir E-Fuels” Message wurde damals eindeutig von Lindner und anderen FDPlern gepusht, nicht von eigentlich zuständigen Verkehrsminister.