• 109 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月30日


  • I think you might be confusing cause and consequence: it’s not that the Brits and Dutch can’t eat that stuff because it all gets shipped to France as the prices are higher there, it’s that because the Brits and Dutch are not eating that stuff the prices are lower in Britain and The Netherlands than in France (were they do eat that stuff) so it mostly gets shipped to France.

    I think you’re confused. You literally repeated what I said.

    You don’t see much organ meats in the Netherlands and the UK much because they are shipped to France where the price is high (and being a part of the EU, the isn’t any extra taxes for that). It’s market choices, not dietary, combined with they were never a huge desire for them there.

    I never said that they can’t, it’s that they didn’t normally so they ship it out which now prevents people from developing a taste for it as it now goes out for a higher price.

    As for the other part of why Portugal keeps it, it’s for a local market and the issues that deal with it. Think like most Asian nations won’t ship out rice for a higher price on the open market.

  • You don’t see much organ meats in the Netherlands and the UK much because they are shipped to France where the price is high (and being a part of the EU, the isn’t any extra taxes for that). It’s market choices, not dietary, combined with they were never a huge desire for them there.

    It’s also why you don’t really see much chicken feet for sale, they are shipped to China where the price is high.

  • I don’t feel it is. They aren’t saying that their physical requirements should be free (computers, engineers, programmers, electricity, etc…) which is what is being used for the analogy (cheese, ingredients, etc…).

    It would be better to claim “I run a sandwich shop and couldn’t afford to run it if I had to pay for every recipe, idea, and technique I use in the business.”

    Now, it’s not as simple as this, and I’m not claiming it is. But this example isn’t anywhere near correct. It’s like the old claim that pirating something is the same as stealing it. The usage on one thing doesn’t equal the loss of something physical.

    It’s one of those reasons why laws about this are difficult. Too strict and no one would be able to do “fan”-anything and many other issues (“if it uses AI” takes out many digital tools, etc…), too loose and you don’t really have laws at all.

  • Debate is over? You come here, attempt very poor attempt of a flood of BS, and call that a debate? 🤡

    Bonus points for linking to the well known and debunked “claim” that macs are cheaper over the long term than Windows. Wow, that sad attempt took me back (and I knew you’d use it). I can see you never looked into that claim. It claims that Windows needed AV, a $100+ a year, but macOS some mhow doesn’t, even though macOS malware was on the rise even then. Combined with how they claimed half the enterprise security suites somehow weren’t needed for macOS showed it wasn’t a serious attempt (a lot like your messages).

  • And you had anything beyond saying it to back it up.

    Hardware I’ve already proven, you, well… You made something up and hoped for the best.

    Software, as we are talking more about macOS at the beginning, it’s a joke that you are claiming macOS has more and various software than Windows. There is a reason even Apple uses Windows and not macOS.

    Security, again, you made a quick claim and nothing to back it up. But here is a list of iOS exploits just from 2022-2023.

    User friendliness: this reeks of desperation. And has been proven in the past to be wrong, but keep trolling. I’ll keep laughing 🤣