• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Nah. I used to respond to these idiotic buzz phrases with detailed and sourced responses. After a while I realized I was either talking to people that had no clue what or how US government works or they were actively engaged in spreading misinformation.

    I no longer expend my energy in this manner as it’s clear that people that wake these types of declarations:

    “PPP loans were forgiven so why not student loans???”

    Are way. Way. Way so far off from policy and any conversation grounded in reality that it doesn’t matter what I say or show.

    Really if you make a big claim like that, you should be prepared to explain and defend yourself. Call it a " power play" or gish gallop (it’s not) but own it all the way. Walk us from point A to B. Own it.

  • the president is influential within the party and can and does frequently work with the legislature on bills

    Correct. Biden has advocated and advanced numerous bills related to this. It’s quite the list. I’m not going to go over it because I already know the next talking point or buzzphrase.

    those things are all determined by laws passed by Congress


    Maybe they should’ve negotiated harder to include changes to how student loans work as part of that deal

    Yes. Maybe the coulda/shoulda/woulda. Policy negotiations aren’t easy, esp when dems held only slim majorities in both houses. This here is the crux of discourse on social media.


    It’s all conjecture intended to equivocate between the two parties and dilute the discourse. That’s all it is because it is completely devoid of the specifics in each legislation. It’s all feelings. When people are ready to open up the bills and talk policy, lets go. Lets have that discussion. But for as long as people post this asinine nonsense “WELL THEY FORGAVE PPP…” we’ll be stuck in the realm of buzzwords forever. And both sides are the same, amirite?

  • If someone starts a conversation in buzzwords and catchphrases I will respond in kind. You don’t like it? Feel free to start another thread that doesn’t use catchphrase as the foundation and starting point for a conversation on me politics.

    You guys want to have your cake and eat it. Pick one. Have a nuanced discussion about me politics or throw memes around. Don’t shit yourself because you don’t like what you see in the mirror.

    It’s me. We can smear our feces together.

  • No. From de facto day one of his presidency the Lincoln project has been operating. Trump started making enemies long before he was elected. He’s just very erratic and unpredictable. While you’re right that he holds a lot of popularity among his devout followers, he doesn’t hold the same sway over the rest of the party. Hence the “Never Trumpers” among republicans. It just so happens that after 9 years even the GOP is tired of his erratic unpredictable behavior and can see the sinking ship for what it is.


    back to og claim. At no point has this unpopularity among moderate republicans helped shape democratic policy. This is a common talking point seeded to create division. That’s why it’s important to ask for specifics about which policies shifted.

    Always ask for specifics when countering sophists that employ buzzwords such as @distantsounds

  • You haven’t given a specific thing. You called general topics such as Biden Infrastructure Package. And then you tied it to some kind of gap I funding. But you never explained where and how.

    You never give specific. You talk a lot in generalities. In all your comments. All of them.

    Give me one specific cause and effect tied to democratic 'policy. Just one.

    1sh Edit: to all the downvowers:

    Saying broad general things like “Biden s infrastructure package fell short in funding” is an empty statement without specifics. It doesn’t tell us anything. It’s a feeling. It doesnt tell us how or why. It’s a feeling. And people like Kronos keep up the narrative propped up thanks to these declarations based in… Nothing. Give us clear examples.

    • Where
    • What
    • How

    Not asking for the moon here. If this is too much, then what even is there to discuss?