Yeah not obvious to me at all. I came to the comments to get enlightened because I did not get the joke.
Yeah not obvious to me at all. I came to the comments to get enlightened because I did not get the joke.
In der Erklärung ist die Pauschale keine Komplikation. Da gibt es deutlich bessere Orte meiner Meinung nach. Meiner Meinung nach sollte man nicht bei der Pauschale Schluss machen sondern alle ‘muss man halt geltend machen’ Dinge streichen. Dann kannste gleich die ganze Geschichte dem Amt geben, sodass die dir eine fertige Erklärung zuschicken und du nur die Richtigkeit bestätigen musst.
Thinking about any unintended consequences is always good. I also agree that a ‘rug pull’ in general terms is not a good thing, however; since we are talking about the privacy of the consumer and turning said privacy into a consumer right, I don’t think there will be a lot of negative consequences. The companies are going to complain but they do that no matter what.
Personally I think, any company that solely relies on selling user data as revenue stream deserves to go down.
Bro we can advertise without breaching of privacy.
I mean he was a carpenter…
You could try and bridge it with the steam link app.