Typically when I do it, I do the tasks like watering plants, feeding pets, etc. I also believe the point of house sitting is to make it appear occupied and busy, so I spend about an hour playing with the pets, watching tv, and cleaning up little messes
To be fair the US is usually the one making questionable alliances with nongovernment actors in the region.
US once these governments lose any perceived control: “first time?”
I still go to Starbucks. Those workers sure know how to throw a picket line, I can’t pass up going to a good strike!
Nah, hunting methods for wolves and prehistoric humans are very different. Wolves sprint for a quick takedown. Humans would chase animals for hours and days before the prey can no longer resist.
It’s not illegal or anything to develop games without the permission of the console manufacturer. The NES had a 40kb game release in 2019 called Micro Mages. The developers are entirely in the right.
Absolutely disgusting behavior from EK. I hope the workers unionize over this, if the company still exists by then.
Without reading the article:
You’re doing God’s work. Never stop reporting fascists wherever you see them.
Put some lighter fluid in an empty pop can for fireballs