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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023


  • Are you talking about the major java/jre repackaging issue, that was announced (proposed update procedure included) on the archlinux news-page, that you are supposed to check before an update?

    If so, then you can’t really blame the distro, if you don’t follow basic best practice guidelines.
    And then you’d also be pretty late to that update and should run updates more frequently. Once a week to at least once a month is a good idea. That’s the idea of a kinda bleeding edge, rolling release distro.

  • If you want to say “it has this specific vegetable and that makes difference” then that’s another perspective I don’t agree with.

    That’s not a point I’m trying to make. Although my idea of Döner Kebap includes specific vegetable/salad ingredients, to my understanding the defining step was putting it in a portable loaf of bread, instead of having kebap on a plate. And as another commenter said, that idea might have been re-imported. But neither was I around when it first appeared, nor am I a Döner Historian of any capicity, so I have to rely on the sources I read. I’m also not passionate enough about the topic to do a lot more research. But no matter it’s origins: Döner holds a very special place in Germany’s culinary environment and that’s thanks to Turkish immigration history. So it’s definitely a significant food in this country.

  • Nobody denies its Turkish roots though. AFAIK putting Kebap in bread isn’t really a thing in Turkey and although one might argue how big a contribution that is, it’s that step that combined a Turkish dish with German Imbiss culture and made this a huge success all over Germany.

    You’re welcome to try the same thing with Schnitzel and if you attain the same level of success and cultural significance, I’d rightfully call you the “inventor”. (though I have to inform you, that “Schnitzelsemmel” is a thing already, so maybe think of a different example)

  • Maybe we’ll get to the point. This news just shows us, that solar power can really be very impactful, even in not-so-sunny Germany. And that we’ve reached a turning point, where we can no longer ‘just’ put up more solar panels, but also start developping systems to store this excess energy in an economically feasible manner.

    But actually, that’s nothing very new either. At least for home owners, who just put solar panels on their roofs, also investing in battery storage to use most of the produced energy themselves has been the economic strategy for a few years, since the price gap between what you got for putting energy into the grid, and what you had to pay for taking energy out of the grid was the only thing left that (economically) incentivized people to install solar power ever since the so called “Einspeisevergütung” subsidies have been dropped.