Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.

Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.

Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2024


  • There’s a guy I know of who keeps bees, and while there are some people nearby who get pissy at him every time they see a bee, most people love how well all the flowers and gardens grow nearby and understand why they do.

    This past year I went to someone’s house nearby and their tree was blooming, but didn’t look nearly as good as usual. And then I noticed I couldn’t hear any bees.

    When that tree has flowers, it’s filled with so many bees you can hear it buzzing from the road about 300m away.

    Now silence.

    I haven’t seen a bee around where I live in over a year. And I’m outside a lot in the spring and summer. Usually I get a few buzzing over me when I’m out in my hammock, but I have yet to hear one this year. I’m hoping they’re just “sleeping in” a bit but I fear I already know the truth…