Planes? Course not.
Maybe Julian, he’s always dragging me to the holodeck for some world War 1 and 2 dogfights over Europe.
Don’t look at my starship homework folder…
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
Planes? Course not.
Maybe Julian, he’s always dragging me to the holodeck for some world War 1 and 2 dogfights over Europe.
Don’t look at my starship homework folder…
Hey now, I just said anthro planes, YOU brought porn into it.
The indomitable human spirit.
Also known as “the ability to exist out of pure spite, because FUCK YOU I ain’t collapsing over THIS bullshit.”
Current us administration: Let’s close the department of education and make secondary education all but impossible.
Nothing says “we are a free and open community that welcomes others” like moderators banning discussion of poor moderation.
Yes, I do understand what the rule is there for. No that doesn’t make it any less hilariously shitty.
hider to wear all black clothing and be small.
Now I’m imagining a chibi style anthropomorphic plane wearing all black clothes trying to be sneaky.
You did this to me.
Armada and Armada 2.
I really like RTS games.
Oh well the answer is obvious, as Ellen Mosque once said, no plane is actually a stealth plane because cameras can still see them, so canards obviously don’t make a difference!
I came here for certified noncredibility, not verifiable facts.
Whatever the fuck I feel like, damn.
Nosey ass search engine…
Lower Decks has become a comfort show for me and as soon as I finish it, I want to start over.
If you feel like you have to ask, you probably already know the answer.
I say “trap” but I don’t kill anything, and they don’t die.
It’s just a sacrificial post I keep near the wood I want them to leave alone.
They’re alive and well in their 2x4s
Oh don’t you worry, I’m just waiting for the day she speaks directly to me about these things because I will absolutely whip out the Bible and inform her that she has no right to speak in my presence, nor is she permitted to attempt teaching.
If you’re gonna bring your bigoted book into it, it’s fair game for me to use too.
It’s not owned by me, but it’s tended by me for now. I also am tending to my parents yard this summer, and trying to transplant clover around their yard. Sofar the patches are still green but it’s not quite growing time yet to see how well it’ll take hold.
I don’t understand why everyone in the aviation community seems to hate canards and atthis point in too afraid to ask why…
No I am Unidan Gallowboob!
I usually have to make carpenter bee traps/lures so they leave the exposed wood around my property alone. They’re going to collapse the porch at this rate.
The traps are basically just sections of 2x4 with little starter holes drilled here and there. Idk why but the chonkers seem to like those more.
So far, no traps this year.
I haven’t even seen any hornets or daubers
There’s a guy I know of who keeps bees, and while there are some people nearby who get pissy at him every time they see a bee, most people love how well all the flowers and gardens grow nearby and understand why they do.
This past year I went to someone’s house nearby and their tree was blooming, but didn’t look nearly as good as usual. And then I noticed I couldn’t hear any bees.
When that tree has flowers, it’s filled with so many bees you can hear it buzzing from the road about 300m away.
Now silence.
I haven’t seen a bee around where I live in over a year. And I’m outside a lot in the spring and summer. Usually I get a few buzzing over me when I’m out in my hammock, but I have yet to hear one this year. I’m hoping they’re just “sleeping in” a bit but I fear I already know the truth…
See, he ASSUMES there’s “no way to win” and that this judge will always, regardless of anything else, strike down things because they’re “against republicans/trump/whoever”
Because that’s exactly what they would do, are doing, plan to do in the future, and can’t imagine a world where someone else isn’t just as shitty as they are.
Projection. Insecurity.
I mean, there’s no way to win, but that’s because this is one of those things that can’t be ignored and absolutely should result in consequences. I’m not hopeful that real consequences will be had though.