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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • As far as I understand that’s the definition of fungibility, right? Every dollar is interchangeable and identical?

    So there’s no functional difference between deleting $1 and creating $1 except semantics, compared to moving $1, as long as the total value doesn’t change.

    The government just deleting money and printing money to pay for whatever it wants suggests that those things aren’t equal, which would be the problem if it were true.

  • The shooters are commiting the same sins that their church leaders commit. Pride, greed, wrath.

    I’ve heard “good Christians” hand wave their responsibility for bad behavior by saying things like “we’re all sinners” or “I’ll have to confess later!”

    I guess that latter one is Catholic, but it’s all the same.

    Religion was a necessary framework for transmitting moral knowledge in a time when people didn’t have a stable foundation. Centuries ago. It’s absurdly flawed and grows communities that are extremely vulnerable to corruption and radicalization.

    It’s time to move past religion.