if seeing a pikachu with a taped on female tail (which happened in the show btw) next to a trans flag makes you think about childrens genitalia maybe you have some introspection to do
if seeing a pikachu with a taped on female tail (which happened in the show btw) next to a trans flag makes you think about childrens genitalia maybe you have some introspection to do
im gay but not in the way anyone thought
the street performance scene in bocchi the rock, no matter what ill always start crying when i watch it
the year long wait is mostly on me, i pass well enough to go without and i struggle with big things like that. you shouldn’t have to wait that long depending on your area
if youre on a budget, cant go wrong with getting some bras with slots for pads and putting socks in them. been refining that for about a year now to reasonable success till i start hrt
i cope with my craving for impulse purchases by spending my fake money in video games impulsively instead of my real money
it feels like everything is designed to funnel money into antidepressant distributors these days instead of actually solving why people are depressed
im sorry to hear that
how to train your dragon (and its sequels) are my comfort picks
ill be sure not to vote for biden then
it depends a lot on context tbh, usually its fine but you can kinda tell when someone is calling you a dude to be an ass
honestly not everyone even wants to move up, ill gladly take a simple job if im paid enough to live and have enough free time and money to do the things that i really enjoy
its too bad that its always expected to strive to move up and take on bigger fish, when im happy where i am task wise
thats an insult to mental midgets
being born in a place where i am not genocided for being myself (yet)
i love winter and all but i wanna ride my bicycle