To make matters even more embarrassing, George was a goddamn engineer. Why did you have to be a Philly/Jersey guy, Georgie?!?
My name’s not Rick.
To make matters even more embarrassing, George was a goddamn engineer. Why did you have to be a Philly/Jersey guy, Georgie?!?
It’s rough when your hired goons end up being gooners
You don’t need to pass it genetically, most behaviors are learned. Thats not to say that it’s deterministic, but statistically people are likely to have the same religious and political views as their parents.
I can understand that view, I just don’t agree with it. If we don’t believe in trying to working for a better future, no matter how bad it’s looking (holy shit is it bad rn), then I feel like we might as well line up like lemmings and walk the plank.
Oh and this was in 2015, so I guess Jill is cool with land grabs and avoidable human suffering so long as the people having their land stolen and their children murdered are Ukrainian.
These big companies are so pathetically predictable. Have fun chasing your tail, Netflix
That’s great and absolutely does happen, but it’s the exception not the rule
Shock my testes?
Am I shitposting right?
Needs more Dakka
This is your brain on .ml
The Hibbert’s also won an injunction preventing Hall from further harassment, and Hall will have to pay 90% of their legal costs that are currently estimated at 260,000 pounds ($335,000).
Glad he doesn’t only have to pay a paltry 58k. Still wish it was more
I don’t agree that the US will explicitly help Russia, but I do fully expect Trump to do everything he can to undermine support for Ukraine.
Well that’s cliche as fuck and not at all confidence inspiring
Nah, it’s gotta be corpse cannibal
I think I need a cozy game now more than ever. Probably time for me to start a new save, I haven’t jumped back into the game in years
I definitely support women’s rights and will always believe in their unfettered right to decide their own reproductive choices. I was worried when I first read this, however. If the only people having children are the fascists and their enablers, I fear the future will be even more bleak than the present. That said, this story does seem to indicate the movement is more based around not having children with Trump voters which I find completely reasonable.
Almost 70 million people voted against him, myself included. We’re not a monolith. Also, only 11 states tax groceries.
I actually suggested he get a deck instead, which he is considering.
I agree that women on the whole generally fall on what I would consider the right side of progress while the worst of men perpetuate the worst aspects of human society, I don’t really understand what that has to do with what we’re talking about. I already stated I unequivocally support every woman’s right to do whatever they so choose with their bodies.