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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • Dpkg is the low level tool for Debian packages.

    Apt-get is the original frontend for dpkg. It is a full featured tool that lets the user give commands to dpkg, along with apt-cache, which displays information to the user.

    Apt is a high level tool for user friendliness. It combines some features from apt-get and apt-cache, as well as adds progress bars and other quality of life features. It also strips down some features the average user doesn’t use.

    So neither is a wrapper for the other. They are two similar tools that do the same job. Apt-get is better for scripting due to being a more rigid tool while apt is nicer for end users.

  • Sure you can!

    Get a coin, and flip it 100 times. Record each time it lands on heads/tails.

    Now get a devout believer, and have the believer continuously say devout prayers petitioning God to make the coin read heads. Then, flip the coin 100 times, and record heads/tails.

    Do statistical analysis to see whether there is a statistically significant difference between the control group and the prayer group. Pretty easy to verify if true.

  • One day, my wife had opened the dryer, removed a piece of clothing, and left it open. I saw it later, closed the dryer, reran it and walked off.

    I heard a thump, which caused me to pause for a few seconds. I heard a very faint, distressed meow a few seconds later, just as I was walking off.

    If I had walked away any faster I’d have lost a kitty.