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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Yes, it’s an odd statement. The authors are all Harvard scientists, and I have checked what they post on Twitter, they aren’t anti vaccine cranks. Though one of them, Al Ozonoff, does try to engage with such people. Perhaps this is a concession in a similar vein of outreach. The Hill is a conservative news website. Perhaps they felt they had to get their own dubious science a mention, and that was the price of publication for the Harvard scientists?

  • The last 12 months have seen the most sustained period of deflation in China since the late 1990s. It’s hard to know how much AI is responsible, but I would guess it is to some extent. It’s driving the reduction in prices in the manufacturing of so many things, EVs especially.

    Many people assume unemployment will be AI’s most destructive economic effect. That may be true, but before it causes a problem, there will be a far more immediate one to deal with - deflation.

    Deflation is so destructive because it shrinks businesses’ incomes while increasing the size of their debt relative to this income. If there is sustained deflation, then this leads to a spiraling collapse that takes asset prices like the stock market and property values with it. This was the main mechanism that caused most of the damage in the Great Depression.

    If AI is on the cusp of giving us lawyers, doctors, and other experts knowledge for practically free, then it follows that there is massive deflation to come. There is already a backlash against AI in some quarters, I would expect it to grow when the deflation problem arrives.

  • I suspect many people might find these facts incongruous. After all, if you can afford $35K per year for your kid’s education - surely you want the best human teachers that money can buy. Isn’t it more likely we’ll see human teacher job cuts in public schools while fobbing off the pupil’s with AI - a second-rate option for the poors and peons?Except that isn’t what is happening here. The school in question - David Game College is for the children of the global elites and oligarchs who live in London. At $35,000 per year I doubt many local London kids can afford it.

    This isn’t some cheapo option, it’s the ‘best of the best’ for the kids of the 1%.Except that isn’t what is happening here. The school in question - David Game College is for the children of the global elites and oligarchs who live in London. At $35,000 per year I doubt many local London kids can afford it.

    This isn’t some cheapo option, it’s the ‘best of the best’ for the kids of the 1%.

    What’s much more likely is that (eventually) AI Teachers and AI Doctors are going to be the best we’ve ever had. No human, not even the parents of only children, can lavish the time, expertise, and attention these AIs will give your child.

  • I won’t be surprised if Chinese astronauts reach the Moon before American ones return to it. Boeing’s SLS seems to go from bad to worse, and SpaceX’s Starliner is nowhere near ready to completely replace it.

    Some people seem to expect SpaceX to work miracles. It has formidable problems to solve before using a Starliner to land astronauts on the Moon. The capability of refuelling Starliner in space, landing on the Moon, refueling there and taking off from it may take to the 2030s to solve.

  • I find the idea of destroying the International Space Station very depressing. Centuries from now, when hopefully humankind will have widely expanded into the galaxy, our ancestors will be fascinated by it. We know this because of our own deep connection to ancient artifacts preserved in the world’s museums.

    The current plan is to destroy the ISS circa 2030 by burning it up in the atmosphere with a deliberately destructive deorbit. It seems with just a little more effort and imagination we could transport an unmanned ISS to somewhere like an Earth-Moon Lagrange point L1 and park it there for future generations and a future space museum.