That’s why I only have 1 black friend. No confusion.
That’s why I only have 1 black friend. No confusion.
Ya but if I stay animal control is putting my dog down. If this event for easily foreseeable, I’m a shit owner. If this is completely unexpected? I might be a perfectly fine owner up to this point and at this point my thought is, save my dog. Be super careful from now on, next sign of this though … I may have to put my dog down.
Not to be an asshole, but I totally would too. You killing my dog, you’re gonna have to work for it.
At the expense of poor and black Mississippians?
seems thats a proper name for a leisure arts product, and would not be allowed?
This is an article saying it failed in a primate too!
I think you mean left field just fyi
1+4=5 not 4 and 4 isn’t prime either, so idk what you meant. 4 is the sum of two primes 2+2, which I thought was what you were asking at first.
Sir this is r/relationshipadvice, the only answer we can give is run, burn your life down, and fake your own death.
It does not take 10 days to leave your system, but if you are addicted it can take 10 or way more days for your body to adjust to not having alcohol. Also there is no withdrawl and probably no anxiety, unless you are addicted (and maybe no withdrawl even then). Well you can have withdrawl and not be addicted, but that’s pretty rare for alcohol I think.
O I would too. Your dog attacks my dog, I’ll shoot your dog into oblivion. That literally changes nothing I’ve said tho, that’s just perspective. I understand both sides. Just like humans, during an attack they are fair game, once it’s over its a completely different equation and 1 case of violence (in most cases) does not a trend make.