• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023

  • The only idea you will accept is yours, literally has to be there cause of no particular reason other than personal desires and wants.

    Its like saying the only option is punching or kicking children cause you won’t accept the answer of “stop abusing them!”

    Maybe just back off and listen? Or at this point I am forced to assume the mods are being paid for including something that has not been positively talked about once. And they are just taking payment.

  • I think people all just hate each other more now. Generally stress makes little aggressions feel more extreme and the world is in fact falling apart at the seams.

    Plus scientific studies have shown people with more bumper stickers were more violent and more likely to commit road rage seeing the car as an extension of themselves and interactions with the car as attacks on personal self and people are much more aware of “personal space” than before covid probably upping the sense of the car being an extension for more people.

  • Yeah I’m fine with just taking a train that will last way longer and is staffed by my local citizens who are being paid for their labor and effort and rent a well made car made from a respectful compamy or buy it if I need it long term.

    But I guess I might just be a conservative socialist cause I don’t think mass produced with slave labor, with stolen raw materials still from Africa, millions of individual electric vehicles is still any form of solution for anything least of all climate change.

    But sure let’s praise china for doing the uber model of electric cars.

  • Right but they are right that it’s not zero.

    It might be that everyone is wrong, but just maybe someone got it right…

    Remember that next time the crazy man walking down the street screams at you that they made the world with their fart and a lighter… Cause it might just be the correct answer.

  • pathetic people who would means test their own kids before they gave them food and shelter if it was socially acceptable.

    Ahh… I see you have met my dad, who decided only after I called him after having failed my suicide attempt to offer to take me back in after having kicked me out promptly at 18 and then only housed me for 2 months before driving me out to a random street corner and dropping me off saying he had lifted me back up enough for me to handle my own live because I was ruining his “vibe” while having a 3 bedroom house and a job that makes more than half a million a year.

    A man who wouldn’t let me get a drivers license because I wasn’t allowed to touch one of his cars and needed to buy one on my own and figure out how to do it by 16 despite his first 3 cars being bought for him by his parents after he wrecked each previous one.

    Americans are the worst culture. Truly fucking despicable what they think is sane. You only get to buy how you want to be treated and the threshold for the floor of basic human dignity is more than most of us can afford.

  • Oh my goodness what a “gotcha!” Question! How on earth could I possibly have an answer for it! And oh no! The answer might show that I have nuance that extends past a singular answer making you a default Victor because life is complicated and you are able to pretend it’s not! Whatever will I do?!

    All of the ones with people in them.
    Because I give a shit about people.
    But you know, I give priority consideration to the ones that legitimately need help because on a tiered hierarchy those need more care for the time which will change as situations change. And then of course at the top of the hierarchy is my own country as it directly influences my life and my ability to do or offer help to others.

    You know, Similar to how one might structure their friends and family consideration, if they cared about them at all too. But I’m sure these must all seem like truly complex and impossible thoughts.

    But hey maybe people just actually care about things in a way that you don’t and you need to stop thinking everyone has your brain and is faking it to get something out of it like a psychopath or a narcissist.

  • Nah. That is just part of the lie to make you think they are some indestructible super machine of super soldiers when they are just people with access to expensive weapons.

    They missed an entire plot from their prisoners to rebel and commit a terrorist attack because they just talked about it in person instead of online.

    This kind of thinking helps Mealnie Sue housewife in Indiana feel good about the killing of innocents cause the greatest smartest force couldn’t possibly be wrong or uninformed about things.

    They know they are bombing civilians. They know that, trust me. But they don’t care nearly as much to know exactly who. That’s to be spun afterwards.

  • Uhh yeah probably not, actually.

    The death toll for babies wasn’t exactly amazing for palestinians before Israel went full gloves off and just directly started dropping bombs on them.

    You know the whole open air poorly kept prison camp thing wasn’t apparently the best place for keeping people alive in and Israel was tossing a few bombs and military stunts every now and again just to keep them on their toes and squeeze in the border every so often.

    So, all those kids ? Nah there would still be plenty of blood spillt just not all of it.