• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • sin(x) and cos(x) return the side lengths of a triangle with hypotenuse 1 and angle x, like so:

    I also was never taught this, which sucks because it’s such a useful concept.

    You can verify that if the angle (x) was 0, cos(x) would be 1, and sin(x) would be 0. If the angle was 90 degrees (vertical), then cos(x) would be 0 and sin(x) would be 1. If the angle was 45 degrees, cos(x) and sin(x) would have the same value, because the triangle sides would have the same length.

  • There aren’t two boxes. There are two groups of opinions, and the one you’re closest to is the one that you vote for. Your affiliation probably won’t match the majority of a party for every possible issue, but that’s fine, because there’s no need to put anyone in boxes. Your party is, for all intents and purposes, the one which you most agree with. I don’t know where you think I’m splitting hairs, unless you just mean that people close to 50/50 on party agreement can’t be neatly categorized, which should be obvious.

    Single-issue voters don’t have my respect. Mostly because I don’t believe they actually have a single issue; I believe many would choose a new issue if theirs became obsolete, that many are hypocritical in their views on their own single issue or related issues, and most importantly, that valuing one issue over the dozens of other problems that they should be caring about is immoral.